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Hey DMT fam was anyone at classic this past weekend at Nelson ledges? It was a great time and I wish you all well anyways heres what I came home to ????
Also hey dmt world it's been awhile heres a photo of my latest project!
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Yoo it's nice to see you around hulky send you tremendous love friend1f642.png
Like June 7, 2023
Just finished the immortality key for the third time and it got me thinking . Is there a community or group that has tried producing or replicating the ergot eucharist? I know we're still not sure of ... View More
Does anyone have information on becoming a psilocybin assisted therapist? Ive searched but get different certification options but was wondering if by chance there were some here whom could speak to s... View More
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Ive tried to find that and cant only course that are available for the certification that is non degree. Let me add however that schooling isnt a problem or more so is something im willing to go through if need be. I would just like some sort of roadmap that points me to the right path.
Like January 12, 2023
Went 3/3 all with around 4 dunks. Couldnt be more proud! Now back to agar i go !!!
The rhizemorphic growth is Trinity and the tomentose is Jak Frost. Im so anxious ! These are my first monotub grows and I just cant wait to see my results! Started agar to agar to grain in late april... View More
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I got Trinity growing right now! Very aggressive and eating up my sub.
Like August 19, 2022
Ive asked in shroomin and if this isnt allowed forgive me admins but does anyone have a line on good APE genetics? id love to find a culture other than sw!
3 people like this.
That being said. When u germinate ape spores take cuts from differnt parts of thr spore plate. I usually like to try to get caps that are blue and caps that are white. Both are prettty
Like April 2, 2022
Talk of where to find SPORES on this site needs to be explicitly for microscopic purposes. Otherwise it violates the sourcing rules. Spores are legal. Mycelium is not. From my understanding a culture would have mycelium which means you can’t discuss where to find an APE culture here. You could discu... View More
Like April 2, 2022
Thanks for the responses. Saidar i gotcha so instead of asking for culture ask for spores and emphasize its purpose inside legal means. My apologies i had known there was something along those lines but i couldnt quite remember! Yessum So what youre saying is ill have to grab from sw and make my own... View More
Like April 2, 2022
Im glad i read these comments because i have a big mouth and im a well meaning moron.
Like April 2, 2022
Upgraded from just jar n syringes and put together a small little area for agar smile.gif
21 people like this.
Thanks icculus i got the table from amazon was like 140 ! Anton that flow hood costs 400 from midwest grow! I was definitely looking towards those bigger ones but given that im a small setup currently i couldnt necessarily pull the trigger on that atm. Slanj you may wanna also look at slant cultures... View More
Like March 29, 2022
Like March 29, 2022
Thanks Hulk, that would be all I need as well. I just grown what I consume. This year, I hope to have some trees cut down and half of my back yard will be my garden vegetables and and 1 avacado and papaya tree.
Like March 30, 2022
Icculus my interpretation is that a slant stops the culture from drying out because its capped. that alone is said to last you around 12 months and theyre much smaller and compact than petri dishes. If you look closely to the right in the photo theres and agar slant of enigma inside of the top meta... View More
Like March 31, 2022
Gonna be starting my next grow soon! this time i wanna try to do agar to substrate monotubs. Im looking to try to do APES (again), TaTs, melmacs, and Tidal wave. Can someone (if its allowed)point me ... View More
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i would recommend agar->grain->substrate otherwise you will have very long incubation time for your tubs, which usually results in contamination. in my experience.
Like November 22, 2021
Thanks for the advice peyo. If its cool to pick your brain further. Which grain in your personal opinion is good for yield and great for fighting of contam?
Like November 22, 2021
Corn. Its cheap and everywhere. Lots of teks on here and other places for it
Like November 22, 2021
i work with rye.. works fine for me, but many ways lead there.. corn works aswell..
Like November 22, 2021
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