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Florida Psychonauts
205 Members
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Check out my first project! Just sort of did it for fun and went in with no particular design in mind and just did it. Any thoughts or critique to add? Thinking about doing something like this more of... View More
3 people like this.
Yeah this is cool I like it
Like June 7, 2023
Anyone can help me find mimosa hostilis root bark powder 50-100g?
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Like June 4, 2023
Deleted that last post as it violated tos we are a site full of information all you would need to diy we do not source anything considered illegal per us Federal law.
Why is pink floyd’s “The Wall” movie so trippy and why does it enhance the trip? Better yet, how does it enhance the trip? Music usually does it for me but this movie was insane. This was also the fir... View More
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I don't know why but yeah, that movie is a mother fucker on psychedelic drugs. It's an entire human life, and a commentary on society. Such a moving production
Like June 1, 2023
The creativity of Pink Floyd and their ability to paint the pictures of the stories they were telling with their music and visuals was and is simply brilliant.........
Like June 1, 2023
I most definitely will be checking them out
Like June 1, 2023
Spot on there about Floyd and the storytelling absolutely love a brilliant story teller that catches u in such a way even without the aid of psychedelics you can vividly see the pictures they paint
Like June 1, 2023
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