May 21, 2023
Category: Psilocybin
This was the end of a 3 day ceremonial retreat. The finale if you will. I was laid in a cozy bed with a blindfold and noise canceling headphones, with a Playlist called "spores". Which was as you would guess designed for mushroom experiences. So it started off taking me through the forest, which was reminiscent of the hike earlier that day. But my view was through a filter of bubbles, always moving and flowing. New ones emerging and old ones popping. Everything just a different shade of green. I kept seeing aboriginal people dressed in amazingly fashioned green ceremonial garb. Mostly i felt like they seemed to be checking on me.. Saying "yeah he's not dead yet, take him further". And I kept asking for meaning, like what do I need to learn, why am I here. I'm sure you all you know these questions. But they wouldn't tell me. They kept saying no, just go with it, you'll see. After a while I met who I can only describe as Grandfather Chieftain. Dressed immaculately also. But in red white and blue. He... played peekaboo with me... Again I asked for meaning but he refused. And continued to play peekaboo. I wanted meaning, but he gave me entertainment instead. It was then I had to pee. I rushed back eager to understand these visuals. But they were gone... I was left with my thoughts. And so I entered this cycle of mumbling the phrase in the silliest ways possible "why?...... idunno..." which turned into my realization. Why? Because it's fun. I then just proceeded to mumble about funny things and enjoyed my trip. At one point I heard a duck quacking in one of the songs. They told me to learn of the duck as a spirit animal. And lo and behold, the duck says, let go, and have more fun. I can only take these signs as more than coincidence, and it's time to just have more fun. And that whole weekend woth everything else, pushing through vulnerability and discomfort. Was, in a way new, and pretty fun. So if you've made it this far, thanks =) I appreciate your time. Have a good day.
Can I just say, you peeps are amazing. I've missed this app.
July 3, 2020
Category: DMT
Holy goddamn. No amount of hearing other experiences could have prepared me for the intensity of this. On the exhale of my third toke I was not quite catapulted, but the opposite. I was immediately enveloped and consumed in an infinite swirl and loop of beautiful blue and yellow spinning triangles. I felt like I was kicking and moving my mouth and grasping for the walls nearby. My partner ruled this as false, and nothing more than a few twitches. When I calmed I remember thinking the ancients were so accurate in their art and stories whether they be Mayan or Egyptian or Mesopotamian. It was all there. After that I noticed someone filming me. (Which I dont like very much) A silhouette at first, and then as everything continued to spin around it became clear that that person was me. Everything faded and I opened my eyes to realize I think I need to care a little less of how people perceive me. I thought I didn't but I couldnt argue the point. Again, all the research I've done could not have convinced me of just how powerful this experience is. Now I get Joe Rogan, "yeah but have you ever tried DMT"
All finished with my first extract! Got a full 2% yield from 50g of bark. Weighing in at 1.1g. Special thanks to Prime bark, Bencmcp, Madmyc, and Victor1. I would tag you all but the app crashes for m... View MoreAll finished with my first extract! Got a full 2% yield from 50g of bark. Weighing in at 1.1g. Special thanks to Prime bark, Bencmcp, Madmyc, and Victor1. I would tag you all but the app crashes for me when i try ???? Thanks to everyone else who has shared their knowledge. Mush love all!!!
Okay. I think my paranoia has been settled. I used the box on the left. Box on the right clearly says potassium iodide. Left has nothing but sodium. Im thinking im good.
Alright! Fisrts extraction went by the books i think. But i have a concern... i read that if you use iodized salt you could die. This box i have does NOT list iodide or potassium. It is natural sea sa... View MoreAlright! Fisrts extraction went by the books i think. But i have a concern... i read that if you use iodized salt you could die. This box i have does NOT list iodide or potassium. It is natural sea salt. Can someone set my mind at ease please so i can meet the dmt gods
Ive got a bit of gooey crap in my second pull aswell as some nice spice. I was thinking scrape around it its probably contaminated or something. Am i correct or is this safe to collect?
So, im looking at the lack of non iodized salt in my area and found just one that doesnt say iodized on it. It doesnt say non iodized either... ingredients list says nothing about potassium. Would thi... View MoreSo, im looking at the lack of non iodized salt in my area and found just one that doesnt say iodized on it. It doesnt say non iodized either... ingredients list says nothing about potassium. Would this be fine to use? Cybs hybrid ATB salt tek
Got my first kg of dye powder from prime bark today!! It looks beautiful and i couldnt ask for anything better. I am very excited to get to work this weekend. Hooooo boy
Are there any extraction teks better suited for supplies found in canada? Having a much harder time locating ingredients than I thought I would
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