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posted a trip report.
9 people like this.
Good read with a great insight. Thanks for sharing.
Like May 25, 2023
Thank you for sharing! It was an interesting read!
Like May 25, 2023
Thanks for sharing! Quack on!
Like May 25, 2023
Can I just say, you peeps are amazing. I've missed this app.
13 people like this.
Ayyo nice to see you around brother
Like March 10, 2023
Ayyo thanks guy!
Like March 10, 2023
posted a trip report.
13 people like this.
Oh! crashedfx yes. I did on the exhale. I remember gasping more than once in the beginning, aswell as grasping for the walls and floor. But those both settled about midway. Thats mostly what i found scary. I thought for sure oh i fucked up. Too much too fast. quote "holy goddamn"
Like July 4, 2020
Can i also just say it is such a pleasure sharing this with people who understand?!! Like, trying to explain this to someone who has no idea is veeeeeerry difficult
Like July 4, 2020
Lol, wait till you get to try 5-Meo...
Like July 5, 2020
Agreed, there is no amount of getting ready that actually lives up to the experience WOW! Only on my third trip myself and enjoying the ride emmencely
Like July 14, 2020
All finished with my first extract! Got a full 2% yield from 50g of bark. Weighing in at 1.1g. Special thanks to Prime bark, Bencmcp, Madmyc, and Victor1. I would tag you all but the app crashes for m... View More
15 people like this.
Like June 23, 2020
This was Cybs Hybrid ATB Salt tek
Like June 24, 2020
Okay. I think my paranoia has been settled. I used the box on the left. Box on the right clearly says potassium iodide. Left has nothing but sodium. Im thinking im good.
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Alright! Fisrts extraction went by the books i think. But i have a concern... i read that if you use iodized salt you could die. This box i have does NOT list iodide or potassium. It is natural sea sa... View More
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I wanna say your good..... but im not sure, maybe google the salt
Like June 23, 2020
I have googled it. It also says nothing about them either. Says its natural from the Mediterranean sea. No anticaking additives. So i think im good too... but the risk is too great to have any doubt
Like June 23, 2020
I checked the iodized salt and it clearly says it was added. Mine does not. I think im good. Thanks for your opinion mate!! Cheers
Like June 23, 2020
shared a few photos
Ive got a bit of gooey crap in my second pull aswell as some nice spice. I was thinking scrape around it its probably contaminated or something. Am i correct or is this safe to collect?
4 people like this.
Contammed? Not do much. Dirty residue maybe.
Like June 22, 2020
Plant fat/oil.. What madmyc said.. Or re-x it in hot naphtha if you want crystal dmt
Like June 22, 2020
Full spectrum. Smoalk moar!
Like June 23, 2020
So, im looking at the lack of non iodized salt in my area and found just one that doesnt say iodized on it. It doesnt say non iodized either... ingredients list says nothing about potassium. Would thi... View More
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You can use himilayan pink salt and black pyramid salt commonly found
Like June 22, 2020
dollar general in my area has non iodized., kosher salt & canning salt is non iodized to my knowledge
Like June 22, 2020 Edited
Got my first kg of dye powder from prime bark today!! It looks beautiful and i couldnt ask for anything better. I am very excited to get to work this weekend. Hooooo boy
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Prime Bark
Thank you for your kind words One love
Like June 20, 2020
they're the best so helpful.
Like June 20, 2020
Are there any extraction teks better suited for supplies found in canada? Having a much harder time locating ingredients than I thought I would
1 person likes this.
Well again i am in awe good sir. Haha. Thank you so much for your assistance. I will update on my success
Like June 6, 2020
Rooting for friend. Sometimes you need to get creative and think outside the box a bit.
Like June 6, 2020
Home hardware for the win!! Lye was there. I have everything for cybs salt tek so thats my game. Thanks again Bencmcp!
Like June 6, 2020
my pleasure. This is what we do.
Like June 7, 2020
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