Does anyone in canada have experience ordering from primebark? Im having trouble as the google pay app is apparently different than the us. Is there an alternative? Thanks in advance peoples
Somethings in life deserve a pedestal
First pic was my first attempt. From there I have learned alot. Second picture were all spawned from a few lil clones. Im almost in disbelief.
Bin number four was the slowest growing out patience pays off!! Not too shabby i would say. Making the best of this quarantine!
This is my first complete cycle from clone to agar to grain and sub. Im proud and thankfull for all Ive learned. So happy with all my lil babies! Also check this mutie!! What happend there?
Well it aint much, but I am proud nonetheless! First flush from a grow kit. Hope the second and third turn out nicer cuz these wont last long around here lol
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