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Trial in october
i miss growing i cant wait to start back up but first my mission is get my kids back home
It's been awhile since I've been back and I keep leaving I don't like it life turned to more shit but it's not how you fall is how you pick up p or self up and continue with your Journey of life
9 people like this.
Life is always shit man. Sometimes you can colonize it, sometimes it's 2girls1cup...
Like April 14, 2021
You can't trust no one wtv is people thinking why would you ruin everything you wanted your home fucking life with a dumb bitch
7 people like this.
Growgold. I just lost 10 years with my highschool sweetheart. It hurts so bad. Your mixed emotions are going to be insane. From sadness and depression to extreme anger and frusteration. I feel more happy now than i did before, happier with myself. I never thought id be here so soon, we separated la... View More
Like November 20, 2020
Joey Green
Your not alone Growgold as your story is extremely common ...... So much so that Ive created a group for men whom have "been there/done that" to help other men struggling to understand "why" (Men only please) https://dmtworld.net/social/groups/398/
Like November 20, 2020
Chief good shit that makes since ive been so hung up on this i Literally have Givin up on my job i run with my dad my grow my hustle my self and my kids cuz of this and idk why
Like November 20, 2020
@Growgold You have every right to feel how you do. The heartbreak, anger, and disappointment so very palpable it can crack the glass on my screen. But if I could offer a few things from someone who has experienced my own hurt with others over the years. There must have been something special with th... View More
Like November 20, 2020
Any good mimosa bark via usa
3 people like this.
We have a public review group on the site you might want to check out there are reviews on bark vendors in there.
Like November 17, 2020
Thank you kb i was trying to be lazy but I'll go check it out
Like November 18, 2020
Lol at least your honest
Like November 18, 2020
Where is this review paig at
Like December 5, 2020
shared a few photos
Crystals of the gods
17 people like this.
Joey Green
I think I see the problem here ...... Someone spilled some crystalline substance all over your scale! Carefully clean that up, check and make sure your batteries are installed correctly ....... and it should work good as new! Lol
Like November 8, 2020
Lmao man I've been in a dark time foralmost a week had a manic episode have lost my shit a few times and am very sad and depressed and very shaturred have not had a smile or laughed in almost a week and reading that Joey made me crack up laughing thank you man I needed that
Like November 10, 2020
It always is right around the corner thank you eagle
Like November 13, 2020
anyone know a Ratio for DMT cartridges i kinda want to make one
3 people like this.
Jay Pickles
I would make vape juice as normal if you want it to wick properly the whole cart. Probably use 100% propylene glycol and mix it like 1ml per gram, if it doesn't dissolve eazy add a little more.
Like July 13, 2020
Joey Green
Theres another post on here somewhere with a mote detailed recipe ..... ill see if i can find
Like July 13, 2020
what happened to this site man it is not what it was a year ago and it kjnda upsets me you used to be able to ask a question and everyone would help you now its like no one wants to help anyone its a ... View More
11 people like this.
Lol i know bobby. I was just messing with you. When i was in prison people always said "bubba".. Like "whats up bubba" and id always respond "who the hell is bubba?!?!?!" Lol
Like July 14, 2020
im fairly new here myself, and just from the outside perspective. I would guess most people ignore the "no sourcing" rule because they think it is a default message, or ToS the creators of the site put in there to cover themselves. that being said all the people who just sign up and go right to are ... View More
Like July 14, 2020
Lol its just a slang term like bro.. Or dude.. Or.. Bubba lol
Like July 14, 2020
I think most choose to ignore how this place functions until they have issues.
Like July 15, 2020
what is this
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Also this looks suspiciously like an advertisement so i would be careful and make it clear in the post that the stuff youre posting is not for sale. A lot of attempts at sneaky spircing lately all over the site its been ridiculous.
Like July 9, 2020
makes since
Like July 9, 2020
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