on November 8, 2020
Crystals of the gods
Dimension: 1080 x 1080
File Size: 185.81 Kb
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Joey Green
I think I see the problem here ...... Someone spilled some crystalline substance all over your scale! Carefully clean that up, check and make sure your batteries are installed correctly ....... and it should work good as new! Lol
Like November 8, 2020
Lmao man I've been in a dark time foralmost a week had a manic episode have lost my shit a few times and am very sad and depressed and very shaturred have not had a smile or laughed in almost a week and reading that Joey made me crack up laughing thank you man I needed that
Like November 10, 2020
It always is right around the corner thank you eagle
Like November 13, 2020