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Out door almost done(not a clue on the genetics). Indoor about to start with some new strainss. 2 phenos of Durban poison x ghost train, 1 blueberry x ghost train, and 1 super skunk. Might mess around... View More
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The skunk I have are fast growing.
Like September 29, 2021
My uncles skunk he has outside just got cut down last night which seems fast for outdoors so it seems kinda faster of a strain haha this will be my first time growing it
Like September 29, 2021
I am considering the Durban poison. when I find the best seed company I plan to give it a grow.
Like October 2, 2021
Lovely community. Lovely ppl. Thank ya gaiagazing
24 people like this.
im still waiting for your adress to send you some love 1f609.png of course only talking about gourmet mushrooms. jk brother. We are here in case you ever feel a call. Mush luv bro 1f618.png
Like September 23, 2021 Edited
im thinking a christmas card … we are moving now so once were settled in hopefully ill get over my paranoia . GaiaGazing they are legal here and shrooms themselves were legal till 2002 . The drug laws here are amongst the worst . Ive a friend who got 3months for 0.2 gr of pot - first offence... View More
Like September 23, 2021
that is rough! Even though the federal government decriminalized an ounce for personal possession some states like Texas and Alabama love to go one above federal and slap the same charges including paraphernalia. Makes me fortunate I can enjoy it here peacefully.
Like September 24, 2021
i feel ya man. Dont do anything you dont feel comfortable doing. These kind of policies really suck. I guess compared to over there its substance paradies here but we still have a long way to go as well…
Like September 24, 2021 Edited
Dont buy the mars hydro fc-e3000 led grow light. Straight booty didnt even have it 2 months and it just went out. Just doesnt work anymore. Baffled as to how a grow light cant work for even 1 grow. L.... View More
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Cosmicfunguy im hella mad about it. Itd be different if i at least got through one grow to see how it is
Like June 29, 2021
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I love a flexible plant i sure hope i get good clones from this plant bc im in love with the way she grows. Just a pretty and healthy plant. (black garlic)
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Lucky charms im not talking anout tue dispos selling the clones themselves im talking about the dispos or at at least the ppl the sell and grow for the dispos in my stays only grow from clones not seeds. Im sure they sometimes use seeds to find new phenos and what not but for some reason they only l... View More
Like June 23, 2021
@yy-trippin Technically, in a side by side comparison, cuttings still reach maturity faster than Tissue culture. The other benefit of seeds is in Epi-genetics. When you continue to grow from seed in the same location from time you’ll develop stronger genetics in the Achilles’ heel of your plants. ... View More
Like June 23, 2021
Ca_gypsy you grow outdoor? If so nice i havent tried out door. Thats dope that they have a decade of growing in the same location bet the plants learned to love it there. If i were to ever try tissue culture it would prolly only be to preserve a specific pheno of a specific genetic thats mostly what... View More
Like June 24, 2021
Lucky charms I would love to give the tech you speak of a try. Do you have a recipe tried and true. Love some information.
Like June 24, 2021
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Little update my 3x3 tent (white ties) started budding! And the bigger tent is doin its thing. I popped four seeds that my uncle crossed they are poison train (durban poison x ghost train) and bubba k... View More
Iv noticed the feed has been veryy whats the word im looking for debateful? Lol ig ill give my stance on this blissful and beautiful ignorance from you lovely ppl. I would never crap on someone for t... View More
6 people like this.
Fallenstate what religion? Islam? To be honest christianity, islam, and jewdaism if thats how you spell it are all very very similar lol same book for the most part just each one nit picked what they chose to believe and how they interprited it. If you follow a religion and or no religion at all and... View More
Like June 17, 2021
Like June 17, 2021
Im still working on how I speak to others can let my words get away from me sometimes trust me though it's always in nothing but pure love I love the wise words @yy-trippin
Like June 17, 2021
Stop debating and start worshipping the one true God before he devours us all!
Like June 17, 2021
Let the budding beggin! <3 peeps i remember a time when doing this type of activity you could face harsh prison time. Heck iv been arrested for it at 16 but i was fortunate enough to have it wiped from the record when i turned of age. Some arent so lucky. And for me while i highly highly enjoy marijuana i still almost feel guilty enjoying it while others have been and still are locked up for it. Demand change. Watching prohibition fall with everyone is so exciting>
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Top number 1 for my black garlic (gmo cookies x sour dubb). Very excited for this healthy plant. this is actualy a seed from some MO dispensary bud and normaly i dont like finding seeds but it was sti... View More
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MightyEagle i love gmo too its in my top 3 strains haha. iv never tried sour dubb so it sounds interesting ill keep the updates comin<3
Like June 5, 2021
Have ypu guys tryed Runtz on dam i got a room full now an fucking wow cant wait to try it out #ilovehomegrownmeds
Like June 6, 2021
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Since i dont have any information to share about mushies or deemz but still would like to share information and maybe even educate those that would like to listen (also open to others info/ techniques... View More
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I actually found one somewhat locally. I should be good now. Thanks for sharing man. Hey i got one more question for you. Were do you find the square mesh netting in your pic. I've seen allot of people use these in there grow tents but dont know the name of it or where to buy it.
Like May 31, 2021
I go to one of my local grow stores they just have all growing necessities but im sure amazon or some place online has em<3
Like May 31, 2021
Joey Green
ShroomDay0117 ..... As yy-trippin said .... Amazon or grow stores (likely most expensive option) sell various forms of this netting ..... But in a pinch one can likely find such netting at Home Depot/Lowes etc sold as "bird netting", "garden netting" or "pond netting". I personally prefer larger op... View More
Like May 31, 2021
thanks man, I have no idea what the hell im doing when it comes to growing pot. I've been searching the hell out of youtube for info on lighting, soil, nutrients, ect.... This is really my moms project though. She just put me in charge of doing it all for her. lol. I got to run to lowes t... View More
Like May 31, 2021
I just started a new job yesterday and you know when that check hits im getting me some mimosas and microscopic purpose spores <33>
4 people like this.
Goals are good, gives you something focus on and look forward to, congrates on the new job.
Like April 2, 2021 Edited
Sounds like your looking for adventures :-) enjoy the day - We got lowest prices in usa domestic and verified on here as vendor www.exoticearthseeds.com
Like April 2, 2021
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