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Iv noticed the feed has been veryy whats the word im looking for debateful? Lol ig ill give my stance on this blissful and beautiful ignorance from you lovely ppl. I would never crap on someone for t... View More
6 people like this.
Fallenstate what religion? Islam? To be honest christianity, islam, and jewdaism if thats how you spell it are all very very similar lol same book for the most part just each one nit picked what they chose to believe and how they interprited it. If you follow a religion and or no religion at all and... View More
Like June 17, 2021
Like June 17, 2021
Im still working on how I speak to others can let my words get away from me sometimes trust me though it's always in nothing but pure love I love the wise words @yy-trippin
Like June 17, 2021
Stop debating and start worshipping the one true God before he devours us all!
Like June 17, 2021