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Behold! We are made in his glorious image
Belief is a powerful thing. If you believe in something strong enough, like a wish, it makes it true, no matter what anyone else says. So believe with me friends. Believe with me in the power of ou... View More
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Edward Scissorhands
What's with all the spaghetti, man?
I mean... I like it. And it's still more believable than Christianity.
Perhaps I have not made myself clear. Whether you accept him or not, he is coming for you. He is coming for us all!
9 people like this.
Who is?
Like June 19, 2021
I love this and want to throw down with the lot of you. I can probably get a friend to bring the serpent
Like June 19, 2021
This looks like a cover of a Goosebumps book.
Like June 19, 2021
@JoseyWales rofl
Like June 19, 2021
Even God can be sad. Do you want to make God sad? No, of course you do not. Bow down and worship the One True God before he returns to devour all existence. Your devotion is delicous.
Objective facts bro
14 people like this.
@fallenstate my dedication to the one true God and the ultimate devouring of all souls pales in comparison to yours my friend.
Like June 18, 2021
All hail the one true God!
Like June 19, 2021
Not bananas. Spaghet.
Like June 19, 2021
And don't you forget!
Like June 20, 2021 Edited
Y'all are just butthurt because I've been talking about the One True God who orbits the planet Nibiru and will inevitably devour us all. If I was talking about any other God you would accept me.
5 people like this.
That donkey is fucking adorable.
Like June 18, 2021
Edward Scissorhands
^ I know, right?!
Like June 18, 2021
It’s adorable because it’s true
Like June 19, 2021
Joey Green
I dont know man, that donkeys big, bulging, buggy white eye kinda concerns me Lordslish .... I'm not so sure that "adorable" even crossed my mind
Like June 19, 2021
Blessed are the tender, for they shall be the first to be consumed!
10 people like this.
lol I love it.
Like June 18, 2021
@FennecFox He is real and he is coming. I shall share his glory for all to behold and I am unashamed.
Like June 18, 2021
He is real, and He is coming!
8 people like this.
Long may he reign
Like June 18, 2021
@CallMeGhost God is not made out of anything. He makes everything. Duh. Objective facts bro.
Like June 18, 2021
@Soph2020 What you percieve as "icing" and "muffin tops" are merely just the subjective interpretations of your heart when exposed to the glory of the One True God that shall devour us all. Fear Him!
Like June 18, 2021
Is it a metal plate or a throne? Only true believers can tell the difference. And since there are no worthy true believers none of us will ever know until the final devouring
Like June 18, 2021 Edited
Hello everyone. I would like to take a few minutes to share with you the objective truth of the most documented and important spiritual event in history. On this day, 2000 years ago, our Lord and Sa... View More
12 people like this.
Amen my brother!
Like June 18, 2021
All respect to Cthulu but he just doesn't measure up next to the transfigured form of our Lord and Saviour who awaits to devour us from the planet Nibiru in the most objective and documented spiritual event that will ever occur.
Like June 18, 2021
Guys dont laugh i saw him smoking humans souls with is hooka like if it was different canabis strains
Like June 18, 2021
I'm glad you understand the seriousness of this subject.
Like June 18, 2021
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