on September 22, 2021
Lovely community. Lovely ppl. Thank ya gaiagazing
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im still waiting for your adress to send you some love 1f609.png of course only talking about gourmet mushrooms. jk brother. We are here in case you ever feel a call. Mush luv bro 1f618.png
Like September 23, 2021 Edited
im thinking a christmas card … we are moving now so once were settled in hopefully ill get over my paranoia . GaiaGazing they are legal here and shrooms themselves were legal till 2002 . The drug laws here are amongst the worst . Ive a friend who got 3months for 0.2 gr of pot - first offence... View More
Like September 23, 2021
that is rough! Even though the federal government decriminalized an ounce for personal possession some states like Texas and Alabama love to go one above federal and slap the same charges including paraphernalia. Makes me fortunate I can enjoy it here peacefully.
Like September 24, 2021
i feel ya man. Dont do anything you dont feel comfortable doing. These kind of policies really suck. I guess compared to over there its substance paradies here but we still have a long way to go as well…
Like September 24, 2021 Edited