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Mescaline extraction
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Cultivation of Visionary Cacti
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Psychedelics » DMT
I wrote a post last week about recently experiencing being stuck, and the feeling that I can't come back, or that I broke my brain and I'm in a facility somewhere. I had put off dosing for months beca... View More
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That's a cool story bro! My kids are too young, but ine day I hope I can have that experience with them. You must have a cool wife too!!
Like November 1, 2020
Cubic, I have the most patient wife on the planet.
Like November 1, 2020
Joey Green
That was the telling of a most beautiful and moving bonding experience between men! Well done sir and this experience will no doubt outlive you within the most fondest of "Dad memories" your son will ever have. Sometimes, things play out the way they do, because thats how it was always meant to be a... View More
Like November 1, 2020
When you get stuck, it is always a good thing to travel with people you love !
Like November 1, 2020
Haven't voyaged since July. Considering blasting off tomorrow, but I'm petrified.
My past 3 trips, (2 on lsd and the last on Changa), I got an overwhelming feeling that I was still in my previous trip,... View More

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I thought something similar my first experience with DMT. I'd eaten mushrooms and tons of acid years before, but always in a "recreational setting". Blasted off and realized I had NO IDEA where I actually was, and suspected I was strapped to a table somewhere, who knows for how long, never to return... View More
Like October 29, 2020
It's nice to hear I'm not the only one. Last time I found a way to make sense of it after the trip, by telling myself that in a way, part of me really is always out there in another plane of existence that may be more real than this one.
Like October 29, 2020
MycyMyc da fungi bunch
This happens to me when I take large doses of shrooms "over 5 grams". The last time I took 8 dried grams and was stuck in that false sense of reality for about a month or 2. It's an unsettleing feeling not knowing whats real, feeling unlike yourself and thinking you'll be stuck there forever and not... View More
Like October 30, 2020
It's normal to be anxious about the uncharted waters of a trip. Stay intuitive; if something doesn't feel right, then don't interact with it. No harm in just observing!
Like October 30, 2020
Cactus people,
I've been going over all the methods for brewing tea and one of the main points of contention seems to be whole cactus vs. green outer layer only.
The whole cactus people point to the fac... View More

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It isn't unusual to have active substances concentrated at one place in a plant - you could look into extraction teks to avoid nausea.
Like October 27, 2020
I often hear that 1ft of bridge is a good dose. How thick should the plant be? The plant near my hand is 28 inches tall measuring from its own base, not the base of the rootstock it pupped from. It is... View More
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For a good growth they should be in half shade half light like under a tree, now winter begins you can water them once or twice a week, in the summer you can water them everyday.
Like October 23, 2020
Peruvian torch?
Like October 23, 2020
Bolivian. T. Bridgesii
Like October 23, 2020
Nice! Arent those the ones that are supposed to grow a little faster than the peruvian?
Like October 24, 2020
Like the spiral arms of an alien galaxy, there are entire worlds in there...
I read that peyote naturally grows under partial shade of mesquite trees, but I didn't have any mesquite.
14 people like this.
We've got a wealth of it out here. You ever find yourself out west, I'd be more than happy to show you the locations.
Like October 14, 2020
Lmao dude thats fuxking awesome. Can i ask you a few questions about the cactus i see you garded it i think its called? Could you explain why ppl do that and maybe a quick beat down about how you u grow them. Im on the east coast can i do it out here? Any info you can give me would be awesome thanks... View More
Like October 14, 2020
Is that a payoye cactus i see!
Like October 14, 2020
There are 3. 1 on it's own roots and 2 grafted to Peruvian mescaline cacti. I have 3 more peyote plants not pictured here.
Like October 15, 2020
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The sacred family is growing...
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Now that is what i envy. I can barely leave them out in the summer because we get such weird random rainstorms.
Like August 19, 2020
Nice grow dude!
Like August 19, 2020
Is this somw kind of phaychedelic
Like August 19, 2020
Jimmyblox, those cacti have mescaline in them
Like August 19, 2020
Almost forgot about the Kanna. It's really growing fast!
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The whole fam. That's it for plant purchases this year. I have 25 pachanoi seeds I'll try to grow. Also have Aztec tobacco seeds on the way, but unless they show up in the next few days, I'm not plan... View More
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Finally got a triple bloom on my peyote!!!
35 people like this.
Ohh beautiful!!
Like August 1, 2020
Joey Green
Thats like poetry for the eyes! Amazing! I've never even personally seen a triple flower with my own eyes
Like August 1, 2020
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