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Psychedelics » Plants and Cultivation
Any recommendations on psychedelic science films to educate people who are ignorant of the healing powers of such things? Hope you have a wonderful day blessings. ????
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Dosed was really good!
Like February 7, 2021
The last shaman is good. Dreaming Jaguars on youtube are rad. A lot of good Ted Talks on psychedelics. Paul Stamets has good psylocybin info videos. DMT the spirit molecule is great. Hamiltons pharmicopia is solid.
Like February 7, 2021 Edited
Id reccommend Dosed for sure!
Like February 7, 2021
Id second Fantastic Funghi... best of all you can purchase it Vimeo and have the rights to download it to your usb or hard drive...
Like February 8, 2021
3 people like this.
What about the naturally occuring phenethylamines?
Like February 7, 2021
How do you change a machine who is part of the system and against psychedelics and thinks they are harmful. Ive spoken to him and shown him facts and done it all. Anyone have an idea how to change a m... View More
7 people like this.
Hailey Nicole
You can lead a horse to water but you cant make him drink!!
Like April 1, 2020
Animal Energy
There was a segment on 60 minutes showing psilocybin research in a positive light. It was the perfect segue for me to share my experience with mushrooms with my traditional parents. It's a mainstream program so it resonates more with mainstream people. Shows how it can reverse depression including a... View More
Like April 1, 2020
Goop on Netflix makes it look corny enough for the stubborn wussies
Like April 1, 2020
This is a good topic. I’m think on this one. A cult ... learn Kabbalah ...
Like February 7, 2021
I've started a new breath work that yields amazing results.
Begin with two rapid exhales focusing on your chest as you blow out air,
Then two rapid inhales,
Repeat this five times before hold... View More

shared a few photos
Girl scouts and og kush.
Please send lots of trippy energy and vibes so that all five of my plants are infused with dmt goodies.
18 people like this.
Sending the best vibes i can generate to this beautifull little green creatures
Like March 31, 2020
Like March 31, 2020
Guyver III
Beautiful girls!
Like March 31, 2020
Imagine a strangers psychedelic secret santa.
Would it even work? Where we share information like recipes and secrets to the universe to each other.
Has anyone else also sat and thought how weird houses are, there boxes we lock ourselves in and hord stuff...
10 people like this.
When you think of it, its does seem wierd. But then again, we are only doing what is natural, most species build a home, den, nest or whatever, for security and protection
Like February 23, 2020
Check out “not perfect” by Tim Minchin. I think he nails your sentiment exactly. https://youtu.be/dg3PberzvXo
Like February 24, 2020
Was just thinking about this the other day
Like February 24, 2020
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