Love, humility, compassion. Search for the objective Truth
MinnesotaMagi justhealingmysoul
I looked up orthodoxy, it's kind of different than the Catholic and protestant varieties of Christianity. What made you decide Orthodox was the true version? There must be some compelling evidence if ... View More
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Have any of you read The Power Of Myth by Joseph Campbell ? It would behoove everyone on this thread. It touches on EVERY culture, about a man coming of age, and finding miracles in his/her cultured religion. Please look it up. How can only one be the truth if every culture has its own. ?
Life expe... View More
January 8, 2024
I study all religions, without a bias or agenda — I’d rather not entertain somebody’s subjective anti-tradition spiel.
How can all those truths be true if each truth contradicts the other truth? That is impossible. Therefore only one can be true
January 8, 2024
I think of it this way guys. One plus one is two. This is a fact of arithmatic. In the same way we know this to be true as it is self evident if one understands maths. Then there is truth. It is more like time than math. It is relative. You can't add things together to get the answer in the same way... View More
January 9, 2024
Thanks for sharing your stories and thoughts about the church I love hearing about other people's spiritual journeys.
January 9, 2024
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Idk who this guy is or what he represents, I just thought it was funny.
But I agree with you!
“Live by the sword, die by the sword.”
Christ is born! Lord, have mercy on us, and lead us into a blessed New Year. May we have the courage and strength to fight the demons this year
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Omar’s statement is mostly correct. Biblical texts referencing shepherds keeping watch over their flocks would mean the birth would have happened as early as spring and no later than October. There are several theories of why January 7 was chosen (Julian calendar observed by most Orthodox until the ... View More
Correction: prelest comes from Slavonic and the origin of nous is Greek. My bad
January 2, 2024
When you blaspheme God, you face the consequences. You can’t escape it. You just witnessed it. Wake up
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did it ever fucking occur to You, not everybody believes what the fuck you believe ….what is it you know everything you’re right and everybody else is wrong you are the only one who knows THE WAY …
Well, it’s quite obvious that nobody here believes what I believe. Oh, me? I know nothing, I am nothing. I only restate the teachings of our great Saints and Church Fathers
December 19, 2023
TLDR:Using psychedelics is considered a sin in the Church. However, I somewhat disagree. When used in extremely mild doses, I believe psychedelics only have positive benefits for the mind and body. Li... View More
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Uhhh nope. Are you serious? There were literal physical schisms of the Church.
November 23, 2023
Bro the Bible's been corrupted, rewritten, and so-called translated so many times who knows what the hell it really says. I know from me being a Christian most of my life to discovering that it's all bs, man-made, and just another form of control. And anyone that thinks or says differently go read t... View More
You do realize the Catholic Church is a heresy that schismed from the original Church a thousand years ago… It’s so difficult discussing religion on this app because people seem to be especially prideful about their knowledge, in the sense of:
“been there, done that.”
But you haven’t. You, nor any... View More
Lots of hate toward me in this community. I love you all though.“Hate the sin, not the sinner.” God bless you
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Jesus told his disciples they would be hated by the worldly people for the sake of the gospel. Count it all joy when you fall into various trials and tribulations for the testing of your faith produces patience. God bless you too sir.
I appreciate you. It is so true. Bearing the cross is the heaviest task. This experience online is teaching me a lot. Thank you, blessings
Even if you don’t believe. Say these words, humbly:Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.Repeat as much as possible.Watch your life transform. He wants you to rely on Him.
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That’s good. I thought you were saying that to trigger a response from me. But that’s good. I enjoy metal
Hey I know there are many of us in this platform that practice/ know many different eastern philosophies and teachings. I'm also going out on a limb and guess many of us also know who Ram ❤️ Dass is. Well in short Ram is my FAVORITE " guru/teacher" out of all teachings. I always loved how much Ram ... View More
lol yeah be your own god... lmk how that works out fer yee
I'm prayin for you bro. Don't take what I said about Orthodoxy to heart (although if you wanna have a theological debate I'm down). We all came here from across the globe to find meaning, most of us a... View More
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Now this is epic. I love your words and I love the drawing. Very good energy right here
I didn’t fall asleep last night so I don’t have much brain capacity for discussion today but I am looking forward to talking with you in the future.
The energy you’re giving me right here is exactly what I’ve b... View More
That's a beautiful and very meaningful drawing @luffysan and same is your post. We must be tolerant and respectful all the time because everyone would be doing better if they knew how to do it. We're all evolving collectively and receiving our lessons to get there from our bothers and sisters so we ... View More