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Male. Lives in United States. Born on December 31, 1998.
About Me
Love, humility, compassion. Search for the objective Truth

Status Update

Christ is born! Lord, have mercy on us, and lead us into a blessed New Year. May we have the courage and strength to fight the demons this year
6 people like this.
Your not present shit to me but empty words across the Internet my beliefs are mine as yours are yours we are allowed to be different as spoken of this thing called free fuckin will get use to it and maybe fuckin use it
Like December 26, 2023
Take chill pill my guy 1f642.png Yes, you’re allowed to have different beliefs. I just think your beliefs are wrong.... View More
Like December 26, 2023
Omar’s statement is mostly correct. Biblical texts referencing shepherds keeping watch over their flocks would mean the birth would have happened as early as spring and no later than October. There are several theories of why January 7 was chosen (Julian calendar observed by most Orthodox until the ... View More
Like January 2, 2024
Correction: prelest comes from Slavonic and the origin of nous is Greek. My bad
Like January 2, 2024