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NJ psychonaut connection/ Find the OTHERS NJ.
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Got a question for you how is the trip fro.golden teacher do you get visual effects btw here is whats happing now with mine
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The ultimate noob quote, “golden teacher gives a more euphoric trip than b plus while b plus gives you couch lock” or something along those lines. The only difference is the names of the varieties due to where they’re found or who crossed what with what and named it that. All these people that claim... View More
Like May 20, 2021
But people really believe what they believe and there’s no convincing them otherwise it all depends on what’s in their head
Like May 20, 2021
Some Pink Buffalo about to be dried. ????
Check this shit out. I Put it on my 65 inch tv as a screen saver. Lol http://zoomquilt2.com/
So anyone from Pennsylvania? And here some dope beats I'm currently listening to. https://open.spotify.com/track/5to4tZzaEK8EEkAFo1eMw8?si=iQ9MzYfQQCqdmAmxy6tRbw&utm_source=copy-link
Golden teachers
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@Myco-K 2nd gen. MS to grain. G2G transfer to 6 jars. Fastest growing jar-becomes Gen2 master. G2 master g2g transfer to 6 jars. The five slower colonizing jars go to bulk. The fastest colonized jar becomes G3 master.
Like April 8, 2021
They'll learn you one, believe me you.
Like April 8, 2021
That is what im trying to grow right now but it seems like it is never growing that it started but then stopped
Like April 8, 2021
Now mine is starting to grow im so happy
Like May 19, 2021
Just arrived. Is this an active community?
10 people like this.
Thanks everyone!! Happy to be here. Ready to share my 2 cents.
Like April 8, 2021
Welcome!!1f642.png Definitely check out our wide variety of groups, there's something for just about everything, and enjoy! Always happy to see new people come over
Like April 8, 2021
So we can't post videos in here? Maybe can't do it from the app?. I started shooting videos of my different tubs for presentation purposes and for whatever reason I cannot share it on here. Bummer.
Like April 8, 2021 Edited
I've tried posting video and the have to be in super small video format of like ten seconds and also using the browser which is all I prefer to use honestly it's so much easier for me to navigate and operate
Like April 8, 2021
shared a few photos
Latest tubs
16 people like this.
Nice work bruvs!
Like April 8, 2021
Thanks bro. Patience is everything.
Like April 8, 2021
..Oh and shpongle and phuture primitive is played for them daily.
Like April 8, 2021
Cool man! I got speakers hanging in my set up aswell, playing mainly rain and thunderstorms and some native flute music1f642.png Nice work bro!
Like April 8, 2021
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