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What is the best shroom to take for visuals
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Lucky charms
Wavy caps. Psilocybe Cyanescens
Like May 24, 2021
This is so subjective. You might fair better trying them all1f642.png
Like May 25, 2021
Fyi i think KSSS visually are better then pans. 21g will instantly make you think you are in dmt land.
Like May 25, 2021
There are at least 7 typed of antidepressants i wasnt suggesting anybody take anything without doing thier proper research. An Maoi (antidepressant) is what i was referring to.
Like May 25, 2021
Does that look like golden teacher to you because it doesnt to me pls help me out
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About 5g's and nothing
Like May 23, 2021
Like May 23, 2021
Looks like a cubensis. Thats all that matters. Prove its a cube, be happy about it.
Like May 23, 2021
Yes it did
Like May 24, 2021
Im so proud of my babies
Today before work
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It took me about two years but im finally getting it
Like May 19, 2021
shared a few photos
Im goongto show pics of my progress from a week to today
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I suggest you layer your substrate next time like as if you make a lasagne. That makes for better colonization in my exp. it also prevents grain from beeing exposed like in your tube. Just trying to help man. Also you can put aluminium foil on top and set it aside after spawning for about 10-14 days... View More
Like May 23, 2021 Edited
Ok need help i got some mycelium growing on a discof agar only problem is it looks like it just stopped growing completely how can i fix it
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Probably your nutrient mix needs adjusting or the temp of the room can stall it as well, I would repost this in the group, lots of people with good knowledge on the subject in there 1f642.png
Like April 7, 2021
Malt Extract with Peptone recipe MEP H2O- 500 mL Agar-10 g Malt-10 g... View More
Like April 8, 2021
I've been trying to grow mushrooms for a while now but I keep going in the same problem when I get to the substrate part not starting growing it my substrate instead of going completely White it will ... View More
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I Oven tek mine for 2:14@ 200 always.
Like December 7, 2020
2hrs and 14mins at 200degrees?
Like December 7, 2020
YES, oven gets a little finicky and ranges a few degrees but that are my lowest setting. I’ve never had a contam in any of the subs since I started messing around with the oven.
Like December 7, 2020
Nice. I keep a digital thermometer stuck in the middle of my sub to make sure I don’t get into sterilizing temps. But once I started oven pasteurizing I never see contams. Lately the only time I see contams is after or during a third flush but rarely.
Like December 7, 2020
Question I've been trying to grow shrooms for about 2 months now I got some spores in agar and a syringe full of spores in a jar of bird seed it looked like that they were starting to form mycelium bu... View More
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Are you temps a fairly constant 70-75 F? Low temps can cause the growth to slow way down or stall all together.
Like October 18, 2020
70 to 72 in my house
Like October 18, 2020
YouTube has some great content for learning
Like October 18, 2020
Jefph i already watched almost every single video on YouTube
Like October 19, 2020
Come enjoy my radio station
I am a first time grower i need advice is this bad or good i am leaning towards bad
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Not worth it, bin it before it contams more of your stuff
Like September 19, 2020
OH SHIT thats an AGAR dish lmao. Honestly bro it's up to you, you can try to save it in the name of science, just be careful. At the end of the day it could be a great learning experience.
Like September 19, 2020
Wuhan anyone?
Like September 19, 2020
Just messin with you.
Like September 19, 2020
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