by on September 22, 2023
I decided to try the acacia dmt again last night. For a second time. I took one big rip, probably about 75mg. The visuals were so trippy I struggled to gain any meaningful insight from the peak of the experience. I remember seeing a melting morphing checkerboard pattern with some kind of “machine elf” that seemed to be controlling the motion of the vision. It was too intense to behold and I opened my eyes briefly to ground myself but it seemed like I was in an entirely different room and I se...
280 views 12 likes
by on January 27, 2020
This weekend I tripped on 400ug of acid. After the most intense peak I decided to blast off with some DMT. I prepared mentally and hit the bong. 1...2... 3 hits and my body started tingling. I lay back but my body never touched the back of the chair it’s almost like I did a flip. Next thing I know I’m horizontal on my stomach looking at the room I was just in a mile away. All around it is an infinite amount of circuitry with light zipping through it at incredible speeds. I’m floating in a void b...
160 views 8 likes
by on May 23, 2019
So this was my very first trip and by far the most intense. For my anniversary my husband asked if I wanted to try DMT. He had given me a very small amount just to see if I'd like it, and I did! I was still here just had intense visuals and a very serene feeling for maybe 5 minutes. Maybe 30 minutes later he set me up for my next dose. I remember pulling and him saying God damn babe.. I looked at him and he looked rather concerned with the amount I took and the next thing I know it was like some...
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by on May 11, 2019
Hey Guys, this is my first trip report. I have been tripping for sometime now, but thought of getting it reported here instead of keeping it to myself. So here it goes; So it was a regular Friday (2019-05-10) for us in the office (We got a circle of 8 friends including myself). So just as soon as we were done with work, we took LSD 1/6th of the stamp, and rolled up a joint with hash. I did not feel the kicks until we started to smoke the joint. Damn, it was awesome, it was windy and we felt l...
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