by on March 17, 2023
Yesterday I finally used some of the mhrb spice I extracted last summer. I tried some then, and have a rather difficult experience that kind of scared me off, and I had been waiting to feel "called" by the realm to return. It finally seemed right. I'm glad I finally got over my fear and went for it. Yesterday was so interesting. I didn't have a normal experience like what has happened with DMT to me in the past. I tried using Syrian rue seeds and nicotine as MAOI this time to potentiate the s...
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by on August 26, 2021
Today Went for a 20+ mile ride in the bosque (the woods surrounding the Rio Grande). Came home, took a shower, and weighed out 4 100mg doses. 2 for me, 2 for my partner. We sat out on the back patio. Our usual spot. It was a bit too warm. I think it was about 100f. But, it was shady. We made it work. ...
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by on March 25, 2020
I made a crude extract of syrian rue by boiling lemon juice and water to two rounded tablespoons of syrian rue. I filtered off the grounds and boiled 30 mins until a brown goo remained. I ate the dmt and harmala together by balling up the goo and white crystals into one swallow (approx. 100mg dmt). T+0:05 numbness in throat and also smoking some of the remaining goo out of a pipe with a small amount of tobacco. Slight hypnotic buzz and increased salavation. ...
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by on March 10, 2020
50 grams mhrb shreaded or powdered in a jar with 400ml non tap water in a freeze thaw cycle for three rotations- in the freezer, taken out to thaw and repeated two more times. Thaw and add 15ml white distilled vinegar. Begin to double boil in a crock pot on high for 8 hours. Remove. Using a pipette or dropper take the top layer of liquid out with the bark remaining at the bottom. No need to get messy and strain it's only going to add unneeded terpenes that taste foul. Approximately five grams...
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by on July 27, 2019
Hello all, and thank you for following my most recent journey and revelations!  I hope that this guides you on your own enlightenment! Those of us who are able to readily access Spice, may note that the trip can be overwhelming, brought on with a heavy body load, and so much is occurring at once, that we are only able to remember a small portion of what we were meant to be taught from the experience.  While I was excited to be able to explore this realm at will, I found myself overwhelmed and ne...
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by on July 20, 2019
Disclaimer: Syrian Tea is a MAOI.  Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs, MAOI) is a class of antidepressants. They are infrequently prescribed because of concerns about interactions with particular foods and several drug interactions. Side effects, drug interactions, storage, dosage, and pregnancy safety information should be reviewed prior to taking any medication.  Please use responsibly! Last night (Swim) made a Syrian Rue tea, waited about an hour, then went to bed and meditated to prep...
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by on June 5, 2019
So Ive brewed tea once previously. This time I went syrian rue and mimosa route. This is approximately a month ago. I had been voyaging for approx. four hours when I exclaimed, "I am completely down!" Shortly after I touched down from hyperspace I realized I had fallen into an LSD level visual trance and everything had kaleidoscope visuals laid over it. Anyway anyone else experience this? How much different did you notice mimosahuasca from traditional brew?   PS idk if this fits under Ayah...
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