by on March 26, 2020
I took one hit and watched as the ceiling was flooded with patterns Then took another and saw a tunnel and i was running to the end of it but it was like a tuberband bringing me back so i took one more big hit and i Was at. A house outside then a door opened and i tryed walking to the door but got stuck like a hook pulling me back and i got hyper focused on that things holding me (i believe to mean i get focused on one thing to hard and wht holds me back) Then i was walking threw the streets o...
207 views 11 likes
by on March 19, 2020
My "shaman" is a friend of mine. A middle-aged dude from Brooklyn, NY who used to be a part of a ceremonial ayahuasca church in Hawaii.    We both agreed that the medicine was the teacher, not the shaman. We also both agreed that it should be taken seriously, but not TOO goddamn seriously. He agreed to supervise/guide me through the experience and was so kind to get the ingredients and make the brew. I have done psychedelics MANY times, but I was about to find out how this is in an altoget...
303 views 8 likes
by on April 3, 2019
I got the idea to play shamanic icaros during a dmt journey from joe rogan. I found a recording from an ayahuasca ceromony on youtube. I put the icaros on the tv youtube, and dabbed 60mg of spice with a quartz banger in a bong. The whole bong was filled with vapor/smoke. I felt the usual come up effects, very quickly ended up in what felt like a cosmic shamanic type operating room, although not quite.. It was like i was on a massage table with my head looking down, as i could only see the entiti...
508 views 31 likes