by on October 13, 2020
Dose: 3.5g Amazonian Dry Eaten Warning this will probably need a prior knowledge of The Midnight Gospel to understand. My apologies I plan on writing a more comprehensive one later on but I want to get this out there at least. This will be a recounting of a recent trip me and my partner had. It's been a few months since so things aren't 100% clear anymore but I'll do my best to describe as much detail as I can. We began our trip mid day it had been my first trip in awhile so I was quite ne...
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by on March 23, 2019
I had arrived in Boise Idaho to visit my friend Vine again. It had been some time since our last visit and Vine was prepared to have another trip exploring this time some of our favorite psychedelics, Psilocybe cubensis. Vine has spent a good portion of the last few years learning all he could about growing these mind-opening treats. He managed to produce enough to last us our lifetimes but in a fit of psychedelic influence ( the mushrooms told him to clean your room and get your life togethe...
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