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I wish people would understand that miscommunication is fueled by an expectation of understanding. If we accepted that we can't understand everyone all the time and took miscommunications a little les... View More
Don't put me in the sun or I'll die. I don't like water and above all never feed me after midnight.
15 people like this.
Never ever get water on me
Like October 14, 2020
Like January 1, 1970 Edited
posted a trip report.
5 people like this.
Ima try this I couldn't enjoy the show sober but the episode with his mother was so heartwarming and fun when she said let go and he busted into tears omg I cried so much
Like October 13, 2020
All around good show
Like October 24, 2020
Its different which interests me
Like October 24, 2020
So I saw some conversations here about the ancient connections of our society and a potentially alien society. It had me thinking about something I had heard researching hominids that today's genome h... View More
2 people like this.
another example would be sumeria ... there are statues 8 ft tall & so precise that we do not even have the tools now to complete such a feat. they were almost lazer cut. not to mention some of those ancient civilizations actually had electricity 1f642.png
Like October 12, 2020
Your actually pretty close to the territory I was thinking. My personal theory is that the current genetic human is an amalgam of some ET race and other early hominids. This hybrid then started having children with Neanderthalis females and creating a race that was more powerful than even the origin... View More
Like October 12, 2020
i mean, i completely agree with you. i do not exactly use the same terminology, & the way that you explain it seems to be a lot better. however, going along with this i also do not think that the big bang actually happened. i think that the explosion that happened on Mars' with one of the original E... View More
Like October 12, 2020
it definitely makes me wonder *
Like October 12, 2020
Hey everyone,
Just kinda putting out some feelers I had an incredible trip guided through by Duncan Trussels Midnight Gospel. Would anyone be interested in a trip report about the experience? It was 3.... View More

3 people like this.
Lucky charms
Would love to hear all about it friend
Like October 6, 2020
Always down to read a trip report!
Like October 6, 2020
I found that it actually fit perfectly into my trip the kinda gag part at the end made me burst out laughing. HEEeeeYY LOOooSSEeeYY! It really all seemed to fall into place. I got a lot of conceptual melding during that episode too. Like I became the rose. It was crazy. Idk why but all my crazy conc... View More
Like October 12, 2020
A video of the shake and names drawn will eventually be shared. For now, names tagged-please PM me with your address to send you your prize. Remember, "For Microscopic Use.' @pancak... View More
9 people like this.
Lol me too I had a good feeling but I didn't know it would actually happen
Like October 6, 2020
Like October 6, 2020
Lucky charms
Congratulations everyone #spreadthelove
Like October 6, 2020
Got my swabs today! Thank you Fantasma
Like October 10, 2020
Hey all,
I was just wondering if there was a group on here for wild mushroom identification. I happen across mushies all the time and snap photos so I was hoping to get some help in identification for ... View More

1 person likes this.
Hi, yes there is a group like that 1f642.png
Like October 5, 2020
Aye G1zm0, its called "Wild Mushroom Identification"
Like October 5, 2020
Awesome! Thank you very mush!
Like October 6, 2020
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