by on December 27, 2021
In anticipation for an upcoming NYE vacation to Denver, I wanted to dip my toes in on the MDing side of lysergimides to see how much I would want to take while out seeing some cool things (in particular - So while I've taken 1p-lsd (and ald52 and al-lad) several times and am comfortable taking it, I've actually never taken a lower dose than 50ug of 1p-lsd. Out of curiosity, I started low on Christmas eve. Using an exacto knife and some geometry, I cut myself a litt...
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by on January 30, 2021
What's it like to microdose? It's mostly physically imperceptible, and if you physically feel it, lower the dose. You know it's working because your thoughts, preferences, and attitude changes. Here's a good example: ...
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by on January 23, 2020
I decided to up my microdose to 0.25 g (up from 0.10 g). Plus, because I'm so wild and crazy (LOLOLOLOL) I decided to get the most out of my updose by letting my shroom portion sit in lemon juice for 30 minutes. That was 3.5 hours ago. Now, as I write this, I'm giddy, a little shakey, nauseous, yawning, and deffo a little buzzed from this tiny dose. Overall, I'm elated, hopeful, and I love you all. No extra visuals and my taste buds are turned off by any processed food (something the last big tr...
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by on October 22, 2019
Took 0.80 g of fresh (not dried) pins 2 hours ago. I know it's a microdose and I'm not supposed to notice a change, or rather the change is imperceptible. So here I am, still the same. In more detail, I feel hungry with a runny nose, congestion, and a little sleepy.
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by on May 11, 2019
Hey Guys, this is my first trip report. I have been tripping for sometime now, but thought of getting it reported here instead of keeping it to myself. So here it goes; So it was a regular Friday (2019-05-10) for us in the office (We got a circle of 8 friends including myself). So just as soon as we were done with work, we took LSD 1/6th of the stamp, and rolled up a joint with hash. I did not feel the kicks until we started to smoke the joint. Damn, it was awesome, it was windy and we felt l...
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