by on June 1, 2024
I saw two grey aliens that opened a mandala of eyes where multidimensional shapes formed into elves who kept jumping into and out of themselves. Everything seems to move in rapid succession so fast, I seem to miss somethings. It's such a rapid experience, like 20 mins. Anyways the elves formed into numbers and colors and words and explained how we are all formed from these inherent principles and programmed as such. They dove into my body where an Aztec eye swirled in through my chakras. The elv...
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by on September 30, 2019
By the time i was in my mid teens, i was heavily into smoking weed and had a few psychedelic-like experiences on it. I also had done mushrooms maybe 2 or 3 times and had a somewhat profound and difficult first trip that i might dive into later. Well, one day my brother and his friends came into my room with a bong full of salvia (not sure what strength) and asked if my friend and i wanted to try it. We both hit the bong once or twice, and everything becoming suddenly SO funny. I was on my bed su...
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