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I've had my little pin for a while and just finally decided to put it on my purse. I like it. The colors go together well. I'm officially part of the DMT world pin club now. Lol.
8 people like this.
Looks good
Like January 28, 2020
Thanks! <3
Like January 28, 2020
Love your nails!
Like January 28, 2020
Thank you. I'm a student and did them myself. I'm my own Guinea pig and have to practice mostly on myself. Lol
Like January 28, 2020
Im having issues with the app. Every time I try to tag someone in a comment the app crashes. Anyone else having issues? I'm not really on here enough to know the protocol for issues. Can someone direc... View More
3 people like this.
Yeah, I figured. At least now I know I'm not the only one having issues, so it isn't my phone or anything. Thanks!
Like January 28, 2020
I'm flattered you though of me first. I'm blushing a bjt.
Like January 29, 2020
You always leave a good taste in my mouth, friend. Take that however you may 1f642.png
Like January 29, 2020
Happens to me too
Like January 29, 2020
Into the forest
5 people like this.
@bastet it is a park here in Texas. I was fascinated by the swamp, and the tree that was thoroughly picked through by the woodpeckers.
Like November 20, 2019
Conflicted. Unsure if this is the correct forum for this type of discussion. I wonder if maybe there is a specific group that would better suit the topic? If so, please let me know!
There have been st... View More

7 people like this.
@skyehhigh i downloaded the pdf, i will read it later tonight when my children have gone to bed and I can focus on it. Thanks so much for posting it for me!
Like November 16, 2019
T rex ophora
I liken it to a self-intervention. I “felt truth” in the idea that if i didnt remove the poison from my life i was literally going to lose my wife, my kids, my job, and all the shit i worked for. It had never hit me that way before. Intense paranoia hit me so hard i couldnt be afraid of it, i just ... View More
Like November 16, 2019
I think there are many types of depression. And imbalanced brains are do not make up the majority which is partly why medication is effective in so few people. I think theres many depressions we need to understand much better.
Like November 16, 2019
@BlackOrchid I have one person I consider friend, and see once a month for 5 minutes when picking something else. Have people I have known my whole life, that I only see when they need something, and only a few of them. I do not yearn for friends. From financial reasons I do not go to bars since 200... View More
Like November 17, 2019
kinda new here. This site is a bit intimidating, but I suppose i need to start somewhere, so hello.
31 people like this.
@victor thanks for the warning. Notes have been taken. 1f642.png~
Like November 16, 2019
@blackorchid better take notes on Victor. He's an animal. So much he has his own group. Lmao
Like November 16, 2019
Oryx0184 this is great! You guys come with a warning. Lol
Like November 16, 2019
Oryx0184 and @victor, lol yes I understand that this is joking! It's great and quite funny. I enjoy learning your personalities. You guys seem like so much fun. 1f642.png
Like November 16, 2019
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