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Male. Lives in Missouri, United States. 39 years old.
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Looking to connect with the psychedelic community in my area.
DMT Extraction Teks
2474 Members
Psychedelics » DMT
What are some of the best artrist representations of "the DMT Tunnel" that you have seen?
I think "the tunnel" is amazing visually but really i don't like being there long cause its just all anxiousnes... View More

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I keep my eyes open until I can’t. Because of this it looks like reality telescopes out into multiple layers. It is full of motion. When I focus in on a place it is like a MandelBrot zoom. I only get about 30 seconds to check it out before I’m slingshotted into the breakthrough.
Like September 28, 2022
I'm so excited. My daughter loves drawing mushrooms and has a very psychedelic art style. Ive been asking her for awhile now to draw me or paint me something mushroom for me to get as a tattoo. She ke... View More
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That's awesome!
Like September 2, 2022
Cool. Can’t wait to see.
Like September 2, 2022
Awesome. I've always loved the idea of getting kids art tattooed.
Like September 2, 2022
Im trying this moderation thing with weed. My days are usually very long and i pretty much smoke all day. But after noon i just feel so tired and thats when im at work and cant smoke so i just feel dr... View More
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I like my T breaks from time to time. 2 weeks to 30 days a few times a year or so. I also try not smoking until the evenings most of the time unless I'm having a really bad pain day. For the last while I've not been smoking from Monday to Thursday. Started that after my last 30 day tolerance break w... View More
Like September 1, 2022
I've got my med card and I use marijuana for stomach issues. However smoking all day definitely makes me not make the best decisions in my diet. So I am counter productive in that aspect. I'm hoping this method will help with the health/stomach issues as well.
Like September 1, 2022
Sometimes i make double size joints and that help me keep it modaration. I realy smoke less when i smoke bigger ones
Like September 1, 2022
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I can grow weed alright and my deems extractions are getting better. But I cant seem to have any luck with starting any myco. Which really sucks cause thats my favorite psychedelic. Oh well im sure on... View More
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I know how to do Mycology and Cannabis. However, I'm barely going to start doing Gordo tek but need a well ventilated space. Otherwise I would have already had Deemz to. My advice for you to make it simple. Go to Walmart and get a pack of 10 6qt shoeboxes. You don't need to use a liner or drill hole... View More
Like August 31, 2022 Edited
Gordo tek is the first extraction i seen back in the day. Ive always wanted to do it but I have the same issue with as far ventilation and some equipment. Ive tried the lazy man tek a few times now with great success however I know I could get more out of the mhrb if I used a different tek. And ther... View More
Like August 31, 2022
@chernobylmyco I added you as a friend so I can follow your work and take notes. Appreciate what you do for the community. Ive seen you in comments qlot being very helpful.
Like August 31, 2022
Almost forgot. For CVG the recipe is 1 650g brick of coir, 8 cups of Vermiculite and 1 cup of gypsum with 4.5qt of roiling boiling water all poured into the bucket with the lid closed overnight. Lastly you would get a spoon and mix up the coir altogether.
Like August 31, 2022
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I was at the hardware store yesterday buying some soil and nutrients for my cannabis. Then a store associate whos probably in his 60s comes over to ask if I need help. Tell him I'm just looking around... View More
15 people like this.
Open yourself up, give everyone a chance. You never know what someone will bring into your life.
Like August 21, 2022
Kinda like reading this post and noticing a friendly Missourian which happens to be where I'm located out of state for work lolz. How's it fam?
Like August 21, 2022
Joey Green
Shmegs...... NAILED IT!!
Like August 21, 2022
always love seeing more people near me on here. Glad there's a place like this to connect with the community.
Like August 22, 2022
Anyone ever try lazy man tek? Whats the %yield?
4 people like this.
All the vigorous shaking seemed to pick up just as much fats as spice, where as the gental constant stir only leaves the spice migrated into the solvent. I leave the stirrer on for 24 hrs at a med speed and no fats in mine. It is a game changer and makes it pretty effortless.
Like August 23, 2022
One other bit of advice I have if you do get a flask, it's a bitch to siphon out the solvent in a flask so what I do is to gently pour out enough of the flask contents to fill a 2 cup measuring cup to the top and I siphon at a horizontal angle, it makes it so much easier to get the most off of the t... View More
Like August 23, 2022
Like August 24, 2022
I forgot to post that pic yesterday
Like August 24, 2022
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Gonna try some popcorn tek. Anyone have any success using popcorn?
11 people like this.
Do it right and you will have all of this Mycelium!
Like July 28, 2022 Edited
I always usa popcorn, for me its the Best grain
Like July 28, 2022
Popcorn never did me wrong
Like July 28, 2022
whodat420 hell yes we do! I was so glad to finally get my grain prep down and innoculation method that I always have strong and aggressive growth. It is all a matter of practice, making many mistakes with trial and error. Once I got the hang of the teks I stayed with them and didn't change it up jus... View More
Like July 29, 2022
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