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The egg theory ????
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That was great! It reminded me of a concept that Ram Dass mentions. "All humans are just God dressed in drag"
All humans are Noah and our purpose is to use our superior intellect and problem solving skills to ensure that whatever is happening here on this planet(life) can continue to happen. For the only thin... View More
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Anybody ever been shown something on a trip but don't really know why? Last weekend I was shown my moment of conception and before 3 days ago I didnt know there was a flash of light thats produced whe... View More
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That is beautiful my friend. From my perspective sometimes trips show us things just to remind us of the beauty and love that is naturally there for each and everyone of us. Translating the psychedelic language is a tricky part of the integration process. Sometimes it doesn't come to you for days or... View More
It may be showing the moment you decided to take on this journey and bring your light to the waking world. It seems like someone/something is reminding you of this for whatever reason. So if you believe that we all take this journey willingly, then id onserve any thoughts around that event(before af... View More
Okay here goes!So we can all agree that the world has been getting steadily crazier at almost one moment to the next at this point. Yeah?Well If the laws of attraction are real and we can manifest wha... View More
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Civilization has intermittently declined into degeneracy throughout history, this state is contrary to the natural order and is self correcting, although that may be an unpleasant process, the world will right itself
"Whenever there is a decline in righteousness and an increase in unrighteousness, ... View More
it's crazy how the whole world was shut down and locked in their homes, and people obeyed? told to wear masks and distance themselves from all other humans. and no one questioned this??
the government PAID people to stay home and NOT work????
do we not find this backwards and disturbing????
you j... View More
check out Dayz Of Noah channel on YouTube, the videos are usually really long but he covers a lot. Start with Media through the generations..