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Male. Lives in Missouri, United States. Born on January 23, 1900. Is in a relationship.
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looking for like minded individuals mostly looking for teks and peolple who are awesome
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How do you message individual people?
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You have to use the mobile web browser on your phone, also make sure who ever you are msg you are added as their friend or they wont get the msg https://dmtworld.net/social/
Like September 14, 2022 Edited
thank you
Like September 14, 2022
what about starting groups?
Like September 14, 2022
You have to upgrade you account to Psychonaut level by donating herehttps://www.patreon.com/dmtworld once we have upgrade you you will have the capability to create your own group/s.
Like September 14, 2022
anyone had a conversation while on dmt with a being in a strange mechanical vibrational language?
3 people like this.
I hope to one day
Like June 2, 2022
Check out my trip report in the trip report section.
Like June 2, 2022
Heavy conversations lately feels like I'm talking with emotions or something more
Like September 12, 2022
i find it happens more often in silence....
Like September 14, 2022
new user wondering whats up whos into mimosa extractions?
4 people like this.
Doing one right now
Like May 29, 2022
Like May 29, 2022
lol right on im the only one i know so good to see fresh faces so to speak
Like May 30, 2022
Welcome to the neighborhood, a lot of us here enjoy doing extractions!
Like May 31, 2022
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