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Female. Lives in Vancouver, Canada. Is single.
About Me
Hello community! all my relations ???? My name is Allee. My purpose on planet Earth is to be balance... View More
Lucid Dreaming / Out of Body Experiences
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Spirituality » Meditation
Sorry folks been offline for a while just life and trying to lose weight and being focussed on that. TBH I go through depression, its not a sad thing, its a I have no mental energy or focus or any kin... View More
Hey all, so nice to be back in the space ???? sending many blessings
17 people like this.
Welcome back
Like February 22, 2022
I make custom talismans and amulets for tripping. Anunnaki inspired custom and handcrafted. Each piece is unique
Yahoo! Second pull is a success smile.gif question for thr group. How can i make sure there are no plant oils and left over solvent residue?
Anyone know where to source mimosa in canada?
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Cheepest guy ive found that ships within the states so no customs even tho its not illegal to buy bark lol
Like October 20, 2020
Didnt know that this didnt fall under sourcing so ill say my piece; Seppi i had never heard of EES so i just checked them out. Same price as Chill Hawaiin which is where i got mine. Same deal, in the US so it avoids customs. Much cheaper than Prime Bark but may be slightly lower quality. I get about... View More
Like October 20, 2020
Hey all, thank you so much for all your advice 1f642.png ill see what i can find!
Like October 20, 2020
Prime bark all the way. I get 2% to 2.5% every time. This adds up over time. 5 to 10 g for a k is huge. My opinion is don’t try to save a quarter to loose a dollar. They are fantastic to deal with very trustworthy and great product all around. Fast shipping and wen a package was sized they sent me a... View More
Like February 23, 2022
Does anyone know how to create a group?
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Yes, you have to donate to https://www.patreon.com/dmtworld in order have your account upgraded to have the function to create groups.
Like May 13, 2020
Hey thank you very much for the info and the welcome 1f642.png nice to be here. I’m really interested in making a group for guided meditations and integration discussion group.
Like May 13, 2020
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