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Male. Lives in Buffalo, ny, United States. Is married.
About Me
At 43 Dimitri taught me that some of the most beautiful things I will ever come across exist in my o... View More
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Psychedelics » DMT
Can anyone identify these for me? I have a app for identification but I'm unsure and really don't want to risk it. I'm in NY in the great lakes area and they were growing in a planter I have with butt... View More
4 people like this.
Its a lookalike ...liberty caps ussualy have a nipple on the top...i ate alot of lookalikes tho they are not dangerous so feel free to try it yourself
Like September 8, 2022
What the fick kinda advice is that dude just try it you don't know what it is don't eat it that's the stupidest advice I seen anyone give another when it comes to mushrooms the worst that can happen you die no fucking around
Like September 9, 2022
Lol .....wise words!
Like September 9, 2022
Ummmmm remind me to not go harvesting with that guy
Like September 11, 2022
Please forgive my ignorance if this is an easy solution or I overlooked something but is it possible to add private messaging to this board?
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We had to deactivate the messenger system because it messed up our app so if you're wanting to private message somebody you can go to https://dmtworld.net/social/ with your web browser and can access the message area on the mobile desktop.
Like September 2, 2022 Edited
Or you can go to discord and join our DMT world discord server https://discord.gg/VFQ6J8XSz5
Like September 2, 2022
Thank you! I had to ask even though I'm one of those guys that can have something right in front of their face and still not see it!
Like September 2, 2022
It's all right no worries.
Like September 2, 2022
So yesterday while kayaking in lake Erie and hanging out on a sand bar in ankle deep water I decided to see how it felt to be almost walking on water while under the influence of Dimitri and I don't k... View More
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First off I don't condone the use of Coca-Cola but when in DMT land...
3 people like this.
Sorry I seem to have an issue with rambling on lately. I haven't spoken or engaged in conversation with anyone for quite a few years.
Like August 23, 2022
And I just looked it up , it "starlight edition" that's the shit!
Like August 23, 2022
CaLi Uso
I’m a prime example of bad examples. I eat unhealthy and only drink soda… I smoke a pacc of cigarettes a day.. and I survive off of snacc machines at work. To each their own my brutha…. I plan on loving my life until the final curtains called. Live love laugh… and repeat
Like August 23, 2022
Exactly! To each his own just as long as your enjoying the ride!
Like August 23, 2022
Hello all! I figured it was time to formally introduce myself.....I'm 43 year old and married for 4 yrs to the girl I have been with since I was 21 and she 19. I won't get into detail as for my back... View More
16 people like this.
Welcome. DMT saved my life too. love the art.
Like August 21, 2022
Like August 21, 2022
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