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Male. Born on October 19, 1997.
About Me
There is someone in my head but it's not me
Anyway..... Why are people so afraid to be free? All dee... View More
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The fool pays memberships in gym while the wise man goes for a walk and picks a few mushrooms every morning ????????????????
22 people like this.
Dude my guy
Like October 19, 2022
I have been looking for these for a long time, never found one. Liberty cap is rare in my region...
Like October 24, 2022
Congrats man!
Like October 24, 2022
Does anyone know or have done the extraction of thc crystals like we do with dmt....is that even possible...pls do tell guys kiss.gif
Im addicted to speed again for fuck sakes ...why do i always take a line after 2 years of being clean
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Maybe. DMT and shrooms helped my brother-in-law kick heroine and meth and stay out of jail. Heโ€™s done drugs his whole life, so he couldnโ€™t go cold Turkey. He was on parole and had to take piss tests. DMT and shrooms arenโ€™t tested for. He learned lessons from his trips that he used to improve himself... View More
Unlike August 13, 2022
Thats awesome. I first got interested in dmt because my s/o drinks a 5th a day and I heard it can help people quit drinking
Like August 13, 2022
Sorry thats fucked up you're addicted to speed again I've battled with that b.s for more than 25 years.i can walk away from anything in my life staying away however is a different story.maybe it'll be different this time nooe same old dumb shit that will probably kill me.you would think that after h... View More
Like August 13, 2022
Hahah fuck it man i dont wanna live forever anyway
Like August 14, 2022
shared a photo - Feeling blissful with Motley_sheep
And love will always keep being the answer.
Whats my name
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Why don't we have like a big lobby group chat here.... I would love to talk to you guys and shit....sad.gif
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We have a discord server anyone can join. If you go to actual site there is a โ€œdiscordโ€ option in the navigation panel.
Like November 30, 2020
Thank you
Like November 30, 2020
350ug... I'm thinking of taking 4.....but 5 seems nice too... Anyone got advices?
7 people like this.
I like to really rock the boat. Half quarters are unimpressive (usually) i could tell when i first had 250ug that this was powerful shit. The comeup is heavier than i anticipated. But even at 500ug spread out a month later barely tickled me where mushrooms do. Mad visuals abd heavy body load. At 750... View More
Like November 23, 2020
My experience has been more is better so far with lsd
Like November 24, 2020
I took 750 recently and went for a walk as it was kicking in. Luckily i found my way home after circling random blocks in my neighborhood. This was my favourite trip ive experienced so far. As much as i dont feel like i need a whole mg. I want to know if it gets any crazier than that. This experien... View More
Like November 24, 2020
I have taken 3 of deez before and yeah they are 350ug.... I don't think 4 will be much of a difference.... But that idea of hiring dmt when I start peeking hahahha
Like November 24, 2020
Greetings my darling friends, I find myself wondering of a "country" or a place where open-minded, free thinking, in other words people who are awake.... People like me and, I imagine, you would come ... View More
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Finland is pretty dope. changed my life entirely for the better 1f642.png
Like October 9, 2022
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