Just a guy exploring with the fantastic fungi.Interested in exploring the mind after the daily grind... View More
For those of you who saw the green mold picture i posted... my mushroom crop had already been growing, I removed the green mold area and havent seen any more mold around at all. My mushroom crop was h... View More
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Fuckin a yeah
August 11, 2020

Thanks man, good to know. Cant wait to harvest the rest and hopefully get another flish or 2.
August 12, 2020
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I tried the paper towel thing to remove that are, I'd hate to throw out all the mushrooms in that tub so hopefully it doesnt spread anymore and i was very careful with the trash and has been put outaide in the trashcan
August 10, 2020
I'm trying to identify the lesson to learn here. Do you know which factor(s) lead to this contamnbrah ? The top of you sub is ropey but not super white, is it because it's not fully colonized or because you use a casing layer ? Where is the tub stored ? On the floor ? What is the configuration of th... View More
August 10, 2020
Throw it in the "fuck-it bucket".......long long away from any healthy mycelium....and WUTHOUT spreading spores all over your house!
August 10, 2020
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nice bro!!! would they grow very high or stay like this? Im looking for some small weed strain I can grow inside my martha tent with my shrooms.. I would appreciate some advises if possible!? thanks! looking good
July 28, 2020
@Doctor Tatan I'm doing a technique called super cropping where you slightly crush the base of a branch near the stem to get more branches coming out of that place. Makes them bushy and shorter. However, that does make them take a little longer before they're ready.
@swingset depends on the plant,... View More
July 28, 2020
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@Spooner man I looked for it for like 3 hours and couldnt find any copy anywhere online lol
@ExMagic you don't necessarily need it but there are few bits of information that gets left out from the other book but it's info you can also find online. It mainly gives you more detailed info on a few spe... View More
July 26, 2020
Just found this online, a free pdf download of The Mushroom Cultivator http://library.uniteddiversity.coop/Permaculture/Mushroom_Cultivator-A_Practical_Guide_to_Growing_Mushrooms_at_Home.pdf. Just found a paperback version on Amaz... View More
I highly recommend and endorse Spooner's recommendation of "Radical Mycology" ..... its not your typical mycological resource book and has many great pointers, ideas and methodologies.
"Mushroom Cultivator" is or was "The mycology bible" for many, many years ..... I remember ssving for and buying t... View More
July 26, 2020
@Boogaloo_Jedi I've gotten these books for more than $35 from Amazon, I've also seen these same books expensive as F on there too but I've been lucky enough to get them at a decent price
It's not hard sourcing books but that one book seems like it's not an easy find.
July 28, 2020
Just mixed in my grain spawn with the bulk substrate. First time growing... feel nervous but excited at the same time. Anyone ever feel nervous their first time?
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July 19, 2020
Hey everyone, happy to report on my first trip!
When it all started I began listening to a classical music playlist on spotify with my eyes closed. I began seeing beautiful geometeic patterns that seemed to fold and unfold and dance around with the music. Seemed like the colors produced by a prism. I saw the patterns shaped and spinning like giant cogs. The shapes would change onto strands or lines of colors and would randomly morph into a giant 3D mushroom which seemed to welcome me to that realm. I immediately started feeling overwhelming joy. I could not stop smiling. I went to use the restroom and saw myself in the mirror. I kept looking at my eyes and all my facial features, I saw myself as incredibly handsome (not in an arrogant way), my eyes looked beautiful and i began feeling like i was fully aware of my surroundings. I could feel the air from my fan gently moving every strand of my hair and felt all my senses greatly enhanced. It was a very pleasant and happy experience. The feeling of joy I had was something i hadn't experienced in such a long time. I felt at peace with myself. I fell asleep and when i woke up, i still had that feeling of joy and felt incredibly well rested.
If anyone is interested, here is a link to the playlist i was listening to.. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2mu4kG7W1LVjDh8SsxZBLF?si=hAcW4ORXSve511ohjaHLdQ
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