on August 10, 2020
I already have a decent crop growing and i saw this today, any suggestions on what to do?
Dimension: 4032 x 2268
File Size: 3.02 Mb
2 people like this.
Bringer of evil! The dreaded "CONTAMBRUH"
Like August 10, 2020
I tried the paper towel thing to remove that are, I'd hate to throw out all the mushrooms in that tub so hopefully it doesnt spread anymore and i was very careful with the trash and has been put outaide in the trashcan
Like August 10, 2020
I'm trying to identify the lesson to learn here. Do you know which factor(s) lead to this contamnbrah ? The top of you sub is ropey but not super white, is it because it's not fully colonized or because you use a casing layer ? Where is the tub stored ? On the floor ? What is the configuration of th... View More
Like August 10, 2020
Throw it in the "fuck-it bucket".......long long away from any healthy mycelium....and WUTHOUT spreading spores all over your house!
Like August 10, 2020