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Hope im not breaking roules by asking this
Does anyone have experience wit realchemscom?
Just wondering if its scam or legit?
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We are not supposed to communicate on here about the trafficking of psychedelics on here. However the sight you mentioned distributes to Europe where many of these substances are legal. Follow you gut and be safe out there. There is nothting like taking the time to learn how to produce your own. Pat... View More
Like February 7, 2021
Thanks! Well, i do grow mushrooms by the kilo myself, but i am quit sure producing LSD and analouges is above my level.....well, thats ofcourse just until a hot lady says "i dont think you can".....then see me play the mad scientist
Like February 7, 2021
After a bad mushroom trip 2 weeks ago, i felt like a small good old LSD trip, i have never been even close to a bad trip on LSD, i always seems to be extremly positive on it, and with that special "ch... View More
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The saying goes that the trip will give you exactly what you need. And it does.
Like January 18, 2021 Edited
That's what they say about mushrooms to, im not convinced, those guys sometimes just seems to wanner have fun at my expense
Like January 17, 2021 Edited
Hi guys, I've noticed something a bit strange lately.
I've noticed that my mushroom trips are significantly shorter than usual.
I've always had some shorter trips then other people i know, and what i ca... View More

1 person likes this.
Well does the point at which you started powdering your mush sync up with the time when your trips started being shorter? I have the same effect when i make them into a tea. When your stomach doesnt have to break down it doesnt last as long. But it also hits you harder and quicker! When i drink tea ... View More
Like November 29, 2020
Everyone attenuates eventually, probably have to up the dosage to keep the effects. The drugs should be in you're system as long but the tail end is going subthreshold. U could up the total by 20 - 30% and take it in 2 doses like 30min - hour apart. That'd be my suggestion anyway.
Like November 29, 2020
No, the powdering dosn't really line up with anything. The last 3-4 trips i have experienced the decline i talk about. Both in intensity and duration on the same dose (my go-to is 5 grams dried) My mushrooms have been dried in a dehydrator till cracking dry, and then kept in a closed glass jar with ... View More
Like December 6, 2020
Never had this issue with mushrooms but if I did I would try taking a natural maoi like harmala/harmaline or passionflower like 15-30 minutes before dosing. Good luck figuring it out.
Like December 6, 2020
10 people like this.
Thats a big boy
Like October 23, 2020
Shit bro 2 realllllll good trips lol nice tho my dude very nice
Like October 24, 2020
I had a just over 72g wet dry to just over 6g!! Id geuss around 8,9gs for this one if you dry it out lmk
Like October 24, 2020
I usualy go by dry weight is 10% of wet.....i know its a bit less tho.
Like October 25, 2020
Good bad trip, or bad good trip?
Wow, what a strange experience!
I took 34g fresh Cambodian mushrooms.
Vent to bed in darkness with some music.
It was all good, had a really good time for 2-3 hours, was i... View More

5 people like this.
Thats a lot of mushies woah man, crazy shit... i had a similar experience for my first dmt break through, i left my eyes open and from the fractally chaos when i closed my eyes the feeling of positivity was so overwhelming that i felt in physical pain, and the more i thought about the feeling the mo... View More
Like August 29, 2020
Well, it wasnt all that crazy an amound.....remember, the first 34grams was wet, so roughly equivalent to 3.4grams and then plus 2.5grams of dryed.....so thats around 6 grams total. Certanly not a beginners dose, but not all that crazy.
Like August 29, 2020
Oh shit didnt realize fresh meant fresh and not really sexy looking
Like August 29, 2020
Hi guys.
Whats your favorite trip music?
On LSD, i always seems to end up with Pink Floyd - Dark side of the moon.
On shrooms i feel more like something "organic" (stupid way to describe it, but i have n... View More

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no comment
Like August 24, 2020
Shpongle, Emancipator, and Tool are my favorites
Like August 24, 2020
Thanks alot guys, ill look in to it! Unfortunately, most electronic music makes "my brain itch"......in sober reality, and under the influence of psilociben, it still itches, and im cought in some sort of uncomfortable digital/computer pixelated reality..... All though, i quit like "Shpongle - Noth... View More
Like August 25, 2020
I was expecting to come home to 2 monotubs ready to harvest, after 3 days away.....but a heatwave in my contry is slowing fruiting down......and making the mycelium look like it's going to crawl up th... View More
Did a small trip yesterday after work.
2.5g of dried Golden Teacher
Its been a few years since last, so starting out slowly
It was pretty good when listening to music in my dark bedrome, lots of closed e... View More

4 people like this.
There are lots of different reason why this has happened, a weaker strain of GT or dehydrated incorrectly and all the way down the line to your own physiology, I microdose, as well as macro and even microdoses, affect me differently dose to dose, so I would think long and hard before jumping straigh... View More
Like August 5, 2020
Theseeker i had similar experiences with dmt, had stronger turns with less the i took for some weaker ttips, mckenna said it is not about doing an exact right amount it is just aboit doing enough 1f600.png
Like August 5, 2020
Like January 1, 1970 Edited
Andrew Yeah, i know, but i dont like the name, and am a little afraid the name would keep bouncing around in my head if i took them..... I'll keep to other strains, and just have to adjust the dose. I have some B+ , Cambodina and Ecuador on the way in my monotubs
Like August 5, 2020
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