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Female. Lives in United States. Is single.
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Ive been debating wether I fit here perfectly or not at all…
By here I mean existence itself.
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Going to try again today with spore syringes.
Last time I tried I didn’t get any mycelia in any of my six jars.
Some trouble shooting I am doing this time.
- Better ratio for the BRF/water/vermiculite.
La... View More

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Lets see... No idea about an instapot. Yes,let your jars cool completely before noc. Glovebox...YES. Heat your needle before each jar.... View More
Like April 8, 2022
Thank you thank you
Like April 8, 2022
About start sterilization. I cant do four spots but i might be able to move the needle around that one port :p
Like April 8, 2022
With the location of your port, I would inject both sides of it with a little extra and roll the jar to let the liquid flow
Like April 8, 2022
Today I had a moment of weakness where I treated someone I care about badly. He took his stuff and left. My ego gave back his key before he left and that was it. Im always so emotional. Taking hormone... View More
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This reminds me of why we must learn to first love ourselves. Once you begin to truly do so you will see that you will notice more and more that you only want to act out of love. Because when it's all said and done that's what we all truly desire
Like April 2, 2022
Im feeling very empty at the moment. I need to push myself out of this bed yet it feels impossible or worthless
Like April 2, 2022
Just relax and grieve. Allow yourself to have a release. Listen to your heart. Practice naming and noticing your emotions or urges so you can address them in real time before you act. If you are regretting anything then your heart will tell you. Just relax and grieve for now let it all fall away til... View More
Like April 2, 2022
Thank you
Like April 2, 2022
Does anyone know any herbs/remedies that can help with appetite suppression?
I was taking diet pills for a while and lost a lot of weight but they induced severe anxiety and basically caused me to have... View More

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Sorry GaiaGazing I thought they were just gonna give me advice honestly. Nothing has been sold or even mentioned selling I promise.
Like March 24, 2022
I had success with turkey tail/ niacin /water/fasting Takes awhile to get used to it but seems to have great affects. Also i wouldnt drink tap water if thats your source
Like March 24, 2022
soak chia seeds in water for 10 mins. it looks like frog spawn but it keeps you full for hours.
Like March 24, 2022
When you fast and begin to do it more & more your body learns how to supress your hunger hormone ghrelin.
Like March 24, 2022
Happy Norooz to the Persian community
Thank you for the poetry and love you brought into the world.
I wish year 1401 to bless us with all the things we need to live enlightened lives <3>
Ive been really inquisitive on this app but Im glad everyone has been kind enough to answer my newbie questions.
Can some explain why California has a stick up their butt about shrooms and even SPORES?... View More

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Red state / Blue state there is no difference. They all just wish to rule with an iron fist and pursue different means and give trinkets to the peasants to appease them into submission. I wish we had a Ron Paul Libertarian State.
Like March 19, 2022
@ Whodat420 Big Pharma and War and Prision are the big econmoic monsters of the US. They make the laws, that make innocent people a criminal, or terrorist, or in need of SSRI's that half the nation is on.
Like March 19, 2022
You guys are so awesome for answering me, idk why Im always so excited for this community. And whodat420 i most definitely will I just gotta hop on my computer
Like March 19, 2022
The xanax thing sure is true 1f614.png My friend is in denial about being hooked on them. It does help her anxiety but I think some of her anxiety also comes when she doesn’t have access to the medication.
Like March 19, 2022
First sign of life? Could be mold maybe.
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I wonder why we were meant to forget our previous experiences in this time and place.
If we look at it biologically we can say we didint have a brain to store memories.
But then how do we come into this... View More

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Know anybody with 2-3 yr olds??? I remember seeing a video about a young boy who walked around a ww2 aircraft like he was doing a pre flight check. Turned out he was... He even remembered fellow pilots and their names. I believe the mother checked and actually found some still alive and they met the... View More
Like March 10, 2022
when i was 3yr old i tought colored stones are the eyes of the big-big humans
Like March 10, 2022
Its different via the beliefs you have but ive spoken to enough people who have memories of past lives. And there is meditations that can lead you to know your own past lives. Whih is why some religions believe in reincarnation and karma. Certain belief systems believe that this is the 1 and only li... View More
Like March 10, 2022
Yall are so cool
Everytime I open this app your pictures and the passion you pour into them are very refreshing ????
Peace and love to all of you ????
Its been 9 days sad.gif whats wrong?
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Wow And I thought i was doing good by putting so much in
Like March 10, 2022
Is there any way I can fix the moistur problem without contamination?
Like March 10, 2022
I'm not familiar with any methods for fixing that problem..I would consider just setting the jars aside somewhere. Who knows, maybe it will germinate but just take longer.
Like March 11, 2022
Alrighty thats what Ill do, i have some syringes with lizad king so maybe ill do it with that
Like March 11, 2022
My best friend believes my lack of motivation for school work is because I did shrooms a month ago and that it somehow effected my mental capabilities.
Please be honest with me. Is this possible for a ... View More

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Im sorry, what are libs?
Like March 7, 2022
Libs are Liberty Cap magic mushrooms. The tit on a stick, variety that grew local to me.
Like March 7, 2022
I couldn't agree more even though I don't agree with the methods of education - it is important
Like March 7, 2022
Could be a case of “ lay off the doobies man” Maybe not mushrooms fault at all.
Like March 8, 2022
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