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Female. Lives in United States. Is single.
About Me
Ive been debating wether I fit here perfectly or not at all…
By here I mean existence itself.
Sometime... View More
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Status Update

I wonder why we were meant to forget our previous experiences in this time and place.
If we look at it biologically we can say we didint have a brain to store memories.
But then how do we come into this... View More

4 people like this.
Know anybody with 2-3 yr olds??? I remember seeing a video about a young boy who walked around a ww2 aircraft like he was doing a pre flight check. Turned out he was... He even remembered fellow pilots and their names. I believe the mother checked and actually found some still alive and they met the... View More
Like March 10, 2022
when i was 3yr old i tought colored stones are the eyes of the big-big humans
Like March 10, 2022
Its different via the beliefs you have but ive spoken to enough people who have memories of past lives. And there is meditations that can lead you to know your own past lives. Whih is why some religions believe in reincarnation and karma. Certain belief systems believe that this is the 1 and only li... View More
Like March 10, 2022