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Female. Lives in United States. Is single.
About Me
Ive been debating wether I fit here perfectly or not at all…
By here I mean existence itself.
Sometime... View More
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I need to see what yalls wisdome says to this. Every time I think about someone who left I see the number 5. Just randomly. Ive googled it even though my gut tells me google is not gonna give me the a... View More
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In my opinion, this life experience is a school. Everything and everyone that cross our lives are our teachers and what we need to learn is ourselves. It's all about self-knowledge, awareness, consciousness. Each person come to know themselves deeply. Their true selves, their spiritual selves, not t... View More
Like March 6, 2022
My God keys_ you spoke to my soul so gently that understood your message. Thank you. Ive been very down on myself and its hard to remember how torturing ideas of good and bad can be
Like March 7, 2022
I really hope the universe sends me friends who can help me develope my spiritual journey. Right now I am surounded by loved ones who dont understand my desperate need to undersrand what is going on b... View More
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Yes, for one I have extreme anxiety so I stay in bed not moving. Its an almost paralizing process. I want to work on my self image. How come I can look in the mirror and ocassionaly gasp at the miracle of my existence only to cry about having extra weight on my body.
Like February 28, 2022
I feel ive been hopping from one emotional reality to another never truly believing which reality is temporary and which is permenant. This is all without the use of any drugs btw. Lots of weed tho.
Like February 28, 2022
Hey Gaia, sincd its hard to source them where I live I actually am going to try and grow my own ^_^ but enjoying them would be months away
Like February 28, 2022
Just make sure you stay mindful of your inentions with the medicine. And be prepared to begin practicing integration. The medicine only shows us the way but it is our job to understand and learn how to walk the path they bring before us
Like February 28, 2022
Oh good morning my fellow human cells ????
Let today be another step in our soul finding journey
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Thank you
Like February 27, 2022
Like February 27, 2022
Hello fellow humanss!
I am waiting for that gasket sealent to dry so I can begin the alchemy tonight.
Although it must be said Im not doing much alchemy just witnessing the myceliams magic.
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