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Male. Lives in United States. Born on November 4, 1979. Is in a relationship.
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Just a regular pyschonaut being enlightened weekly or bi weekly to learn more about my self and the ... View More
Shroomin 2.0
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Mycology » Psilocybin
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Mycology » Psilocybin
Shroomin jrs
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Mycology » Psilocybin
Actively Tripping Down The Rabbit Hole
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Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD)
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Psychedelics » Other Compounds
What part of ky you in?
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Lets talk about dreams...
Do you dream frequently ?
How often do you dream ?
Whats the scariest and and beautiful dream you ever had?
I do dream frequently i had two last night but now as im typing th... View More
Hope to read some of your dreams soon!
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If you make a conscious effort to write down your dreams, you'll start remembering them more and they will become more vivid. Additionally, smoking weed can inhibit people from dreaming, however, if you smoke an herbal cigarette with some mugwort rolled in, it can also induce very vivid dreams. Or e... View More
Like June 23, 2020
I think my scariest dream was from when i was little. Maybe 5 or 6. I remember seeing a GIANT foot coming down from the sky to step on me and i woke up right before it happened. Its not so scary now, but for me to remember it 33 years now it must have been back then lol. It felt so real. Now i have ... View More
Like June 23, 2020
@momalley27. Dream journaling is definitely a way to increase frequency, clarity, and intricacy. one apparent factor in making it work is supposedly dream journaling directly when you wake. so no getting some coffee, or using the restroom first. hitting it right when you wake as apparently those sma... View More
Like June 23, 2020
Guys I dont get on here much but I just wanna thank you all for chiming in its really interesting looking into others minds and subconscious thoughts. I hope eceryone has had a wonderful day. Thank you all !!
Like July 17, 2020
I am learning the trade of mushies and doing pretty well with it. I have always loved cid but I just feel like I would be out of my leauge even trying to make it. Has anyone ever seen the process is i... View More
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Lsd is moderate difficulty to make as far as chemistry goes. The thing is you need various very expensive equipment to make it properly. Without that equipment the process becomes difficult and will always result in that brown brown.
Like June 22, 2020
Hey if you have a link for any of the free psychedelic documentaries please leave a link to them below trying to teach family members of mine that its more medicine than a drug..
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If you have hulu, look into Hamilton's Pharmacopeia if you haven't already. The shrooms episode is also on YouTube
Like June 23, 2020
So other than side pins what are aborts tell me all about them. Expirienced growers please its been crazy lately had alot of mis information in another place.
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I have a friend who has been with his girl for idk 10-15 years a while anyway.. They broke up for about 6 months awhile back she left him for some dude on youtube???? They got back together a couple m... View More
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you can get test at any drugstore like duane read, walgreens rite aid even places like grocery with pharmacies.
Like June 15, 2020
Crusty Dabs
Cut her loose find a good woman plenty out there
Like June 15, 2020
Hes addicted to her and he needs rehab. Its killing him. She can learn to take it seriously or give up being a part of tbe family completely
Like June 15, 2020
@uzu442 thats actually really good thoughtful advice.
Like June 16, 2020
Has anyone in here expirenced or heard of gang stalking and electronic harrassment?
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99% of the gang stalking things i have seen are obviously manifestations of undiagnosed mental illnesses.
Like June 1, 2020
Im sure its real, the government/military is always atleast 40 years ahead of society with technology. How do you think they test it? On unknowing people. Noone will believe then and they will be called crazy. There are a lot of paranoid lunys out there though.
Like June 2, 2020
Like January 1, 1970 Edited
I’ve heard about it from people that were deep in the clutches of methamphetamine but that doesn’t mean it’s not possible. Once I heard about it I read about it and I honestly wouldn’t doubt it if it was real shit
Like June 15, 2020
Making 1/2 pint jars for BRF do I need 2 holes one for injecet and one for filter. Or do I just need an inject port and flip the lid?
Thanks in advance
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