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Chris ryerson
What would make LSD taste and smell like cinnamon? Buddy just got some tabs and said the guy dropped it on paper in front of him and thats what it smelled and tasted like
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Couldn't tell you with certainty but, of course; generally anything detectable as taste or smell is a contamination or, in fact, not LSD. The molecules just arent large enough to add any flair (like you would find in small variations in cannabis strains). So again, I would imagine it was some con... View More
Like March 15, 2020
Damn glitter tho ctfu
Like March 15, 2020
If it has gold flakes in it, it could be that the LSD crystal was dissolved in high proof Goldschlager, a cinnamon flavored liquor.
Like March 15, 2020
Just some of the art me and the hubby did while tripping
Chris ryerson
As someone who hasnt done or found dmt other than a rare occurance which ive onoy really tried once and didnt blast off, do you guys recommend i try to extract my own for my next time or should i cont... View More
5 people like this.
Extract it sonny son!
Like December 6, 2019
Yes gordo tek is the shit. No lye or nasty chems
Like December 6, 2019
T rex ophora
When you wanna extract it, you know where to find the info.
Like December 6, 2019
Myco Guy
You should worry about the sovent used like naptha or heptane more than the lye. Just keep the lye off your skin. Make sure to wear a mask for the sovent fumes. As long as you can follow instucti on and have common sense the extraction process reqlly isn't that dangerous.
Like December 6, 2019
Chris ryerson
Friends that dabble in psychadelics. How do you keep your seratonin up? I dont go too hard but lately i feel as if im stuck in a rut and i think it may have to do with the lsd and or mdma. Nothing too... View More
5 people like this.
Thanks alot man... yeah all kits have seen are like 80 bucks or more. Only thing i really need to test is some mdma and maybe acid, but I'm pretty confident when I get that, which isnt ofteb but dudes legit.... any of psych im making myaelf so no need there..... I'll check into theae links you drop... View More
Like December 6, 2019
5htp may help or microdosing mushrooms
Like December 6, 2019
Animal Energy
Respect the every 3 months rule with MDMA. I've tried to push it and regretted it. Also supplement your rolls. Below is what I roughly try to follow, derived from rollsafe.org recommendations. Make sure not to take the 5-HTP too early after dosing or it could increase the likelihood of seratonin syn... View More
Like December 6, 2019
Animal Energy
1-3 hours before: 100mg Na-R-ALA (When buying, make sure it is Na-R-ALA, not R-ALA) 200mg Magnesium Glycinate 1000mg Vitamin-C (e.g. 1x Emergen-C packet) 100mg Grape Seed Extract... View More
Like December 6, 2019
Chris ryerson
How long do you hold a dmt hit in before you take another?
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Chris ryerson
Does it change if its in a vape pen or not? I want to make sure i get the most out of my experience because dmt is pretty rare around here and id like to try to achieve what im looking for out of it..
Like December 3, 2019
Chris ryerson
So what would cause lsd tabs to be wet and have a hint of big red gum to them?
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Someone got rained on while there Lucy was in there pocket next to there chewing gum.
Like November 24, 2019
Chris ryerson
Its consistantly like that though, id imagine if its sopping wet it was just layed?
Like November 24, 2019
Otherwise beats me. Interesting if there is an explanation
Like November 25, 2019
Chris ryerson
So ive tried dmt out of a vape, and i got the very tail end of the cart so i got maybe a lung and a half full. I recall some things getting bright and seeing some shapes when i closed my eyes. I want ... View More
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Smell is a good indication, nothing in this world smells like DMT. Colour isn't a good indication, I personally like the dark yellow fatty stuff but it can also be white and like snowflakes or salt like - depends much on the source / Tek. Best way is to DIY it's easy to make, and you can make vape ... View More
Like November 8, 2019 Edited
Chris ryerson
Found this app through my roommate. Glad to find a place to learn and share about psychadelics. Ive only dabbled with a few things for a few months now so Im still learning.
17 people like this.
Welcome friend! Glad to have you!
Like October 9, 2019
Windswept Eyes
Like October 9, 2019
Myco magician
Im in the same boat
Like October 9, 2019
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