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Status Update

Chris ryerson
As someone who hasnt done or found dmt other than a rare occurance which ive onoy really tried once and didnt blast off, do you guys recommend i try to extract my own for my next time or should i cont... View More
5 people like this.
Extract it sonny son!
Like December 6, 2019
Yes gordo tek is the shit. No lye or nasty chems
Like December 6, 2019
T rex ophora
When you wanna extract it, you know where to find the info.
Like December 6, 2019
Myco Guy
You should worry about the sovent used like naptha or heptane more than the lye. Just keep the lye off your skin. Make sure to wear a mask for the sovent fumes. As long as you can follow instucti on and have common sense the extraction process reqlly isn't that dangerous.
Like December 6, 2019