Documenting my mushroom journey. ????
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Thrasher grown on poogod substrate.
14 people like this.
Bad ass fruits
August 28, 2022
Very curious about my Thrasher sample now. I have a list of priorities that I have to go down per project. I'll be thankful when I get through half the library that has to be viewed.
September 8, 2022
Medicine ❤️
September 8, 2022
12 people like this.
Bluey Vuitton (Panama X MPE)
20 people like this.
D fam I turn 30 today cheers!
19 people like this.
Happy Birthday brother! May you have lots of fun safely and responsibly.
17 people like this.
Update on the cobweb umm I’m an idiot it wasn’t cobweb haha Mycology eh?
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Use the swab method next time dip a swab in peroxide touch what looks to be infected if nothing happens your good if it melts or sticks to the swab toss the tub
I think my tubs caught cob web mold any tips?
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If it's going to fruit then you at least want to isolate the tubs away from the grow room get your flush out of it if it's almost there there then maby still hope for some fruitys
Attempted no soak no simmer with white millet and unicorn bag I think I didn’t put enough water at the bottom the bags melted
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Can't seal them before you do thisand no sides should be touching the sides or bottom without some kinda barrier, idk if you did or didn't. Also if your running out of water your probably allowing your weight on the pc to dance a little to much, try adding a penny or nickle on the weight and then yo... View More
July 24, 2022