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shout out my awesome girlfriend. i opened up to her about the importance of psychs in my life and the therapy of mushrooms. shes not into it but supports me, even surprised me with this mushroom pillo... View More
13 people like this.
Sweet man.
Like August 29, 2023
Cute. Mush love to you guys
Like August 29, 2023
Joey Green
If you feel the need to hide anything from your significant other ..... They truly are not so significant now, are they! Good for you upon your willingness to open up and share honestly like a man of character ...... And good for her upon her willingness to go outside her own comfort box by attempt... View More
Like August 29, 2023 Edited
I love the mushroom pillow, how thoughtful of your girlfriend.
Like August 29, 2023
hey pals, so say i covered a nice looking plate in clear resin to keep as art, would the myc die?? i dont want to waist a plate but if it worked it would be so cool
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i just want it to keep the shape lol but gaia is right i dont see it working tbh. will try
Like August 27, 2023
So if you dehydrate the agar would it probably fuck up the shape too? Does epoxy dry fast?
Like August 27, 2023
Like August 28, 2023
i gotta try now lma9
Like August 28, 2023
shared a few photos
thrasher XL, took some clones but they all tammed out. loving the strain though!
10 people like this.
Wow! Very giant fruit and quite impressive! Fruit looks beautiful to!
Like August 19, 2023
Like August 19, 2023
i missed you guys
7 people like this.
Good to see you brother !
Like August 10, 2023
Like August 10, 2023
my place being between 75/90 degrees is really shitting on my fruiting. i used to throw her into fruiting and see a nice pinset within a week. now its 3 weeks in and only 2 pins have popped up near th... View More
2 people like this.
Yeah that sucks, I am very sorry it's like that right now for you.
Like July 28, 2023
Temps are hard to control sometimes. Don't sweat it brother. You will have success again. I keep having the same issue but with the AC keeping my house too cool lol. They just been slower going mostly but eventually they come. I feel like 1 of my tubs completely aborted because of it.
Like July 28, 2023
its a pain lol. sso they take forever to fruit but then grow all fast n hollow. still purty fruits but im a big cold fruiting fan lol
Like August 10, 2023
shits been rough so far. i was pretty down n depressed. well ive been trying to put out positive energy with everything i have. stuff is turning around in so many ways. maybe manifesting isnt cap
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Stay strong brother. May you be well May you be happy May you be peaceful May you be loved... View More
Like July 22, 2023
Have you tried get out in nature and do some grounding ♥️
Like July 22, 2023
obviously sclerotia dosing varies just like mushroom dosing. that being said if i have 5 dried gs of sclerotia would it be comparable to the same weight of dried mushrooms?
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I feel like it would be more like 2g of cubes
Like July 20, 2023
Joey Green
General rule is sclerotia being like 1.5X times as strong ...... But like you mentioned, potency can vary greatly depending upon many variables
Like July 20, 2023
hmm. i feel like psychedelics have made me almost too self aware. before when going out i could get down to music or let loose easily. now i overthink it like why am i dancing or think "dancing in ge... View More
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That's actually a common thing. You rise your frequency to a point where it does not serve any more in a human sense. We work the best when we are sending on a grounded frequency. Maybe take a lil break from psychedelics and do some grounding thinks to get your frequency down. Anyway dancing is just... View More
Like July 11, 2023
Very common brother. Your are not alone. You need only change your perception towards what is positive and enjoyable about such experiences. We are full of all different kinds of consciousness. It's like eating with a large group is very communal if you engage in healthy socialization. Which is an i... View More
Like July 11, 2023
If I understand you correctly, you are saying that you have become more self-conscious due to psychedelic use. That is, you don't express yourself through dance because you're preoccupied with how others will perceive your behavior? Although there is no dose of psychedelics that would permit me to d... View More
Like July 12, 2023
not that i care who thinks what of me. because i definitely let my wierd out i just over think the randomest things to the max. this never happened before. as example like if i go to a concert now i cant force myself to get down anymore. i dont like going to restaurants or anything like i used to. i... View More
Like July 12, 2023
none of my groups are active lately so im asking on here.
i need help. my housing has no AC and my room has been up to 90 degrees in the afternoons. what is the most cost effective way to keep the temp... View More

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You can also find more powerful and more expensive ones, but they need to be vented out the window, so they may not work for you. It would depend on your specific conditions.
Like July 10, 2023
Make a swamp cooler. Fan, 5 gallon bucket, some ice.
Like July 10, 2023
If you need to cool down right now, put your feet in cold water. Got some buckets or totes? You can drape a wet towel over something in a basin of ice water with a fan blowing on it at an angle as well for another version of a swamp cooler.
Like July 10, 2023
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