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Male. Lives in Iowa, United States.
About Me
I am into folk medicine, lore, Jungian philosophy, and deep theological discussion. Big fan of sync... View More
Discussion of mainstream religion
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Red Pill For Men
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Spiral Dynamics: A value development model
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Psychology and Philosophy
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Psychology and Philosophy
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Psychology and Philosophy
So I've decided to travel to the land of the stranger. As some of you may know, I lost my mother last month. A fucking shocker. But it made me realize a lot.
I've taken a job on a fishing vessel in th... View More

10 people like this.
I live in Alaska and I know that lifestyle is do or die. Good luck! & sorry about your mom
Like May 23, 2023
Good luck out there. May you find peace.
Like May 23, 2023
Good luck. You got this.
Like May 23, 2023
Good luck, sending some Light your way to keep you safe
Like May 24, 2023
Bummer post warning:
After a period of pain, my Mother's vessel cracked and was freed from the fleshly prison that held her. It brings me peace to believe she has found hers and I feel she gave me ever... View More

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Like April 29, 2023
So sorry for your loss. Loosing parents is very difficult. Please give it time and try to make healthy choices.
Like April 29, 2023
Sending you love. It's an inevitable aspect of life. But if you are looking for friends in the Midwest there is a pretty solid group for that area that does actual meet up from time to time. Check it out.
Like May 1, 2023
I'm sorry to hear about your mom brother. All of our days will come to an end, I want to say I'm glad we are here together now. I'm glad I have the opportunity to say I'm here to for you If you need someone to talk with. I love you. reality has this property a unspoken law the driving force that sur... View More
Like May 1, 2023
Hello folks
Having been absent for long enough to forget my original login, decided it was a time to rejoin the community.
My interests in the "hard sciences" brought me back around to magical thinking ... View More

6 people like this.
I think it was Matthew but I can't find it in the friends list, we definitely interacted a lot through comments and were friends. I will dig more when I am on a PC because there are a few people I'm not seeing that I don't remember their screen name but would recognize their posting pattern. I j... View More
Like April 12, 2023
Welcome back. I look forward to getting to know you again. I’m glad you are in a better place.
Like April 12, 2023
Welcome back, I too am delight you found your way back to us.
Like April 12, 2023
Welcome back man 1f642.png
Like April 13, 2023
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