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Male. Lives in Iowa, United States.
About Me
I am into folk medicine, lore, Jungian philosophy, and deep theological discussion. Big fan of sync... View More
Discussion of mainstream religion
263 Members
Red Pill For Men
209 Members
Psychology and Philosophy
The Bookshelf
488 Members
Lively Liquid Culture
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466 Members
Spiral Dynamics: A value development model
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Psychology and Philosophy
Theology and Psychology
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Psychology and Philosophy
Carl Jung and Jungian Psychology
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Psychology and Philosophy
Ethics, Philosophy and Such
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Psychology and Philosophy

Status Update

Hello folks
Having been absent for long enough to forget my original login, decided it was a time to rejoin the community.
My interests in the "hard sciences" brought me back around to magical thinking ... View More

6 people like this.
I think it was Matthew but I can't find it in the friends list, we definitely interacted a lot through comments and were friends. I will dig more when I am on a PC because there are a few people I'm not seeing that I don't remember their screen name but would recognize their posting pattern. I j... View More
Like April 12, 2023
Welcome back. I look forward to getting to know you again. I’m glad you are in a better place.
Like April 12, 2023
Welcome back, I too am delight you found your way back to us.
Like April 12, 2023
Welcome back man 1f642.png
Like April 13, 2023