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Status Update

my place being between 75/90 degrees is really shitting on my fruiting. i used to throw her into fruiting and see a nice pinset within a week. now its 3 weeks in and only 2 pins have popped up near th... View More
2 people like this.
Yeah that sucks, I am very sorry it's like that right now for you.
Like July 28, 2023
Temps are hard to control sometimes. Don't sweat it brother. You will have success again. I keep having the same issue but with the AC keeping my house too cool lol. They just been slower going mostly but eventually they come. I feel like 1 of my tubs completely aborted because of it.
Like July 28, 2023
its a pain lol. sso they take forever to fruit but then grow all fast n hollow. still purty fruits but im a big cold fruiting fan lol
Like August 10, 2023