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Male. Lives in Mississippi, United States. Born on October 18, 1993. Is single.
Psychedelics for mental health
1041 Members
Tasteful Nudes
278 Members
I'd love to hear some stories about a mescaline trip. I have a buddy that wants to do it but I'm completely ignorant to how it works and what it does. Thanks in advance.
1 person likes this.
Hmmm well why you are waiting for someone to share their story you can hop over to the trip report section and read some of those to pass the time.
Like July 30, 2023
Has anyone had to help a brother through a really intense and terrifying experience, while tripping yourself, and the next few days you feel like all the negativity you soaked up for them is just ling... View More
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+1 for the sun Uncle Charlie. Very good idea.
Like September 28, 2020
Thank you! I will most definitely give that a try today after work. Hopefully these clouds will clear out!
Like September 28, 2020
Do an energy meditation. Sit/lie in a comfortable position. Close your eyes. Imagine when you breath in that the air you breath is a beautiful golden light of energy. As you breath out imagine the air you exhale is dark and cloudy. Your breathing good energy in and bad energy out. After awhile reali... View More
Like September 28, 2020
Meditation transmutes the energy like alchemy. Your positivity is proportional to your negativit since they are a part of you. Meditation helps you to transmute energies when they are imbalanced, find the neutral spot and control the center of your gravity.
Like September 28, 2020
Is there a group for people from Mississippi and I'm just overlooking it? If not are there enough people from the southern Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana that would wanna start a group to have so... View More
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Good morning from Mississippi!
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You will know, when it is time! If you are asking it means, time is SOON! Good luck
Like August 11, 2020
I dont ever really have an intentional waiting period. I just takethe trip for what it was, and the next time i have the time to trip and feel like it, i trip 1f642.png
Like August 11, 2020
I decided it was time this past weekend again. I had what was probably the best experience of my life. Me and four of my friends laid in the yard and had like a four hour cuddle puddle that felt like it baptized my soul! It was a great reminder of why I started using psychs to begin with! Thank you ... View More
Like August 12, 2020
Even the bad trips are a great learning experience!
Like October 13, 2020
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