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Male. Lives in Somewhere everywhere. Born on May 28, 1985. Is divorced.
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A traveler, an adventurer. I like to go here...and then there. From the world.
DMT Extraction Teks
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Guys, I was binge watching silly stuff on Facebook and sudenly an ad pops in and it really got my attention.Lets talk about Shrooly.
Can someone give any highlits on this product? Is it safe pre-orderi... View More

4 people like this.
It is a very cool concept! However, for the price they want to offer this, better off buying bags, tubs, grain jars and other mycology supplies. The price of one of those units you can have a much better setup.
Like February 21, 2024
At least, the sole survivor out of 5 cakes!
Dear friends, I need guidance. Recently I shared a picture of my first tek cake and I want to post a follow up. Here is a picture.
As you can see, the cake has been covered by this colony chunk and it ... View More

3 people like this.
Yup, it looked exactly like your picture. The mold has now taken 50% of the enclosed box. I should not worry then, as long as I keep the box closed, correct?
Like December 15, 2023
Unfortunately they are toast, toss them outside and scrub everything down with bleach water. Try again
Like December 15, 2023
Lucky charms
Break out the cleaning gear and get that out of the house
Like December 28, 2023
Done that and wiped well the container with bleach. Managed to save one cake and it has already sprouted 5 babies.
Like December 29, 2023
first time working on a Mckennaii tek. Seems that I am doing everything correct, so far. Wish me luck ^_^
8 people like this.
Mush luck on you and your myco journey.
Like November 20, 2023
Thank you!!!!!
Like November 21, 2023
Advice request from experienced ones: I am aquiring today some GT mushies and Crystal DMT. Of course I do not intend to combo, however, as a first time back and forth way ticket on those with destinat... View More
1 person likes this.
Go first class on mushroom nothing will prepare you for the other but it's great.
Like October 31, 2020
I did the same last Saturday but liberty caps instead of gt, me and my friend first tripped off of dmt then a bit later in the night we had our 3.5g shroom lemon tek brew each and had an awesome night
Like November 27, 2020 Edited
Guys, I need some advice. Has anyone experienced improvement from depression by taking shrooms and DMT sources up to the point you no longer need the medications? I dont like the ones I am taking.
8 people like this.
Juliet Delta
The depression relief i get from DMT is stronger but only lasts like an hour or two after ive smoked it. If i take 5 grams of mushrooms and meditate or just relax in nature or listen to music, in the 2-3 months following i can be pretty much depression free. But i find if i just watch cartoons or y... View More
Like September 26, 2020
There's a balance. Psychedelic therapy helps. But there is the use of serotonin and dopamine which can cause a crash. For me I quit SSRI's once I started with dmt again. I'd suggest small doses of anything. Avoid molly. Molly gives me the most drought of reality handling for days. If you are trying ... View More
Like September 26, 2020
Like September 26, 2020
The family tree has a predisposition for narcisistic personality disorder. Hope being the black sheep is an ok thing.
Like September 26, 2020
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