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Male. Lives in Texas, United States.
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Mycology » Psilocybin
Side pins killing it. Any advice to get to top to take off
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Why use a liner to create more garbage? Nature doesn’t use liners. How about using all of your body weight when pressing down on the substrate? To teach their own of course. These days I just chase simplicity with my grows. Also any future cultivation inquiries or posts, visit Shroomin 2.0 or Begi... View More
Like June 5, 2022
You got a good point there Fantasma. About chasing simplicity I definitely agree. Yet I’ve had much better results using a liner. On my grow though the light primarily touches the sides of the tubs. I really feel like that’s a thing. The liner prevents this for me. Then again I never wanted to pack ... View More
Like June 5, 2022 Edited
I don't mind side pins. However, I haven't had them with the tek I have been using with my shelves. When I put my tub inside the shelf the sides are blacked out naturally and the mushrooms grow towards the front side to the light. Then I float my cake and I cut the shrooms off the sub with Aquascape... View More
Like June 6, 2022 Edited
I've never used liners. Only had 3 grows, SGFC, and 2 unmodded shoe boxes. I just read a lot of peoplw saying liners help.
Like June 7, 2022
shared a few photos
Side pins not ideal but at least I know the tub fruits. Surface looks good. Am I just impatient?
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Fully colonized and ready for fruiting condition. It’s been a journey to get here but I’m here and it’s been full of learning.
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Looking really good there. What variety?
Like May 21, 2022
Like May 21, 2022
I hear B+ gets really big. Going to work on that one next for the summer to fall grow.
Like May 21, 2022
Hey man, great to have you in Trippy Texans. Mind posting in the group the general srea of Texas you're from? I am DFW. This will encourage conversation and help those close to each other to connect i... View More
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