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Status Update

Im horrible at keeping up with any of my social media and don't really ever post much but every time I'm going through some of the worst things lately I shut out FB, messagener and snap and find my se... View More
23 people like this.
I am sure many of us are glad to have you, me being one of them. Sorry things have been dark. May they get brighter for you soon
Like November 21, 2021 Edited
Lucky charms
I was just like you friend and its this place of wonderful individual's that brought me back into the light come join me friend its really beautiful over on this side
Like December 9, 2021
Ummm fuck face book .. this right here is the only social media i ever had and just got it .. fb snap insta its all the downfall of us !!!! Leave it all alone bud !! Love yalls
Like December 11, 2021
I invest alot of my time here and you know it feels good being off the big media. Here I can be myself, share projects and more importantly enjoy this community. I'm also alot happier not being on the big media and simply do my own thing.
Like September 14, 2022