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Female. Lives in United States.
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Amateur Mycologist????
Healing anxiety/ ptsd??
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Psychedelics » Plants and Cultivation
First time. Trying to decide if i should blend the meat of the cactus and add to the brew ♥️
19 people like this.
Why do you make a brew vs extracting the mescline? Im just curious I recently did my first mescline extraction, but have not had a chance to try it yet
Like March 6, 2021
There are other alkaloids in the cactus besides mescaline. Also the brewing process is therapeutic for me. Not to mention you dont have to mess with any kind of solvents or chemicald
Like March 6, 2021
Thank yall both thats what I was wanting to know. The exteaction seems long and kinda wasteful.
Like March 7, 2021
Contam in my shoe boxes... sad.gif
Isolated and scooped off the contam...
It might have been a temperature rise, lack of FAE, or the dub tubs werent sealead correctly.
Got one flush out but i wanted more :// ... View More

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CaLi Uso
Im a first time grower as well, got 3 shoeboxz going... still waiting for my first flush to finish up. I noticed some ppl saying you can lightly spray Hydrogen peroxide 3% on contaminated area.. and it should kill it. Probably shouldnt spray it directly on mushrooms already growing though. Good Lucc... View More
Like February 1, 2021 Edited
Picked up these San Pedro’s. New to cactus growing send help ♥️
14 people like this.
CallMeGhost Im in the west coast and its 80 degrees this week, but super cloudy. Should i just pot them and keep them inside?
Like February 1, 2021
Nice i want to try this soon!!
Like February 2, 2021
Lucky charms
Do we have a group for cacti if not ill open one for us
Like February 2, 2021
Lucky charms
Thank u CallMeGhost If anyone else would like to join sed group here's a link https://dmtworld.net/social/groups/28/
Like February 2, 2021
Chunks ♥️
♥️ less vermiculite, i think im getitng a hang of this smile.gif
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What does less vermiculite do for the substrate?
Like January 24, 2021
Well if you use certain combos with diffrent subs it'll make a difference or maybe she's using less sub to Grain
Like January 24, 2021
Same ratios im just using loose coir and i was doing a 60/60 percent mix, but now im doing 60/30 colonization seems better and substrate is less crumbly for me
Like January 25, 2021
First tub pull♥️
25 people like this.
Thank you! That was totally not planned lol
Like January 19, 2021
Well they look good together. Keep up the nice work.
Like January 19, 2021
Lucky charms
Enjou them you deserve it
Like February 22, 2021
Golden teachers !!!
Like February 22, 2021
My tiny babies, took longer because i ran an experiment on them ♥️
17 people like this.
Lucky charms
Lookin good but spill the beans was the experiment lookin like a success
Like January 19, 2021
Oh baby♥️
23 people like this.
So red, what are those??
Like January 19, 2021
Texas orange cap
Like January 19, 2021
Looks amazing
Like January 19, 2021
Like January 22, 2021
Pin update ♥️
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