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In need of a new site for spores. spore works has failed me a couple of times. What are your favorite sites for spores and mss??
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I've only ever used sporeworks and I've never had any problems with them. Can you tell me how they failed you?
Like March 9, 2023
Right here in the market place has the best deal I've ever seen. $2.00 Samples. And a fine selection
Like March 9, 2023
Dayumm I didn’t even know that yet. Haven’t been on in a while but i want to be more active on this community
Like March 9, 2023
Hey guys i just mafe my first batch of changa and it wasn’t even strong enough for a microdose. I ordered my MhRb from mimosaroot.com and i now see on reddit that it’s notorously weak in its dmt rati... View More
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Thank you i must’ve got bad information from youtube smh
Like July 19, 2021
So if i use acetone and dissolve the mhrb and then soak the freebase DMT in alchol mix and pour it on herbs
Like July 19, 2021
Thank you so much for passing along this info Saidar❤️
Like July 20, 2021
shared a few photos
Golden teachers agar. Are they ready ready flr transfer and if so which parts would you transfer? Seems like alot of tomentose growth here
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Take the outermost edge at ~12 o'clock, that's the best growth asfar as I can tell . Mush luv and good luck mushing!
Like December 18, 2020
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